- __author__ = 'DarkWeb'
- # Here, we are importing the auxiliary functions to clean or convert data
- from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import *
- # Here, we are importing BeautifulSoup to search through the HTML tree
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- # This is the method to parse the Description Pages (one page to each Product in the Listing Pages)
- def hiddenmarket_description_parser(soup):
- # Fields to be parsed
- vendor = "-1" # 0 *Vendor_Name
- success = "-1" # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
- rating_vendor = "-1" # 2 Vendor_Rating
- name = "-1" # 3 *Product_Name
- describe = "-1" # 4 Product_Description
- CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
- MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
- category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category
- views = "-1" # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views
- reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
- rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating
- addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate
- BTC = "-1" # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
- USD = "-1" # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice
- EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
- sold = "-1" # 15 Product_QuantitySold
- left = "-1" # 16 Product_QuantityLeft
- shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom
- shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo
- bae = soup.find('div', {'class': "col-9"})
- # Finding Product Name
- name = bae.find('h2').text
- name = name.replace('\n', ' ')
- name = name.replace(",", "")
- name = name.strip()
- mb = bae.findAll('div', {"class": "mb-1"})
- # Finding Vendor
- vendor = mb[0].text
- vendor = vendor.replace(",", "")
- vendor = vendor.replace("Sold by:", "")
- vendor = vendor.strip()
- # # Finding Vendor Rating
- # full_stars = bae[2].find_all('i', {'class': "fas fa-star"})
- # half_star = bae[2].find('i', {'class': "fas fa-star-half-alt"})
- # rating = len(full_stars) + (0.5 if half_star is not None else 0)
- # Finding Quantity Sold and Left
- temp = mb[4].text.split(',')
- sold = temp[0].replace("sold", "")
- sold = sold.strip()
- left = temp[1].replace("in stock", "")
- left = left.strip()
- # Finding USD
- USD = bae.find('div', {"class": "h3 text-secondary"}).text
- USD = USD.replace("$", "")
- USD = USD.strip()
- # Finding BTC
- temp = bae.find('div', {"class": "small"}).text.split("BTC")
- BTC = temp[0].strip()
- # shipping_info = bae[4].text
- # if "Digital" not in shipping_info:
- # shipping_info = shipping_info.split(" ")
- #
- # # Finding Shipment Information (Origin)
- # shipFrom = shipping_info[0].strip()
- #
- # # Finding Shipment Information (Destination)
- # shipTo = shipping_info[1].strip()
- # Finding the Product description
- describe = bae.find('div', {"class": "card border-top-0"}).text
- describe = describe.replace("\n", " ")
- describe = describe.replace("\r", " ")
- describe = describe.strip()
- # Searching for CVE and MS categories
- cve = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
- if cve:
- CVE = " "
- for idx in cve:
- CVE += (idx)
- CVE += " "
- CVE = CVE.replace(',', ' ')
- CVE = CVE.replace('\n', '')
- ms = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
- if ms:
- MS = " "
- for im in ms:
- MS += (im)
- MS += " "
- MS = MS.replace(',', ' ')
- MS = MS.replace('\n', '')
- # Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
- row = (vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, describe, CVE, MS, category, views, reviews, rating_item, addDate,
- BTC, USD, EURO, sold, left, shipFrom, shipTo)
- # Sending the results
- return row
- # This is the method to parse the Listing Pages
- def hiddenmarket_listing_parser(soup):
- # Fields to be parsed
- nm = 0 # *Total_Products (Should be Integer)
- mktName = "HiddenMarket" # 0 *Marketplace_Name
- vendor = [] # 1 *Vendor y
- rating_vendor = [] # 2 Vendor_Rating
- success = [] # 3 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
- name = [] # 4 *Product_Name y
- CVE = [] # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
- MS = [] # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
- category = [] # 7 Product_Category y
- describe = [] # 8 Product_Description
- views = [] # 9 Product_Number_Of_Views
- reviews = [] # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
- rating_item = [] # 11 Product_Rating
- addDate = [] # 12 Product_AddDate
- BTC = [] # 13 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
- USD = [] # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice y
- EURO = [] # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
- sold = [] # 16 Product_QuantitySold
- qLeft = [] # 17 Product_QuantityLeft
- shipFrom = [] # 18 Product_ShippedFrom
- shipTo = [] # 19 Product_ShippedTo
- href = [] # 20 Product_Links
- listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card product-card mb-3"})
- # Populating the Number of Products
- nm = len(listing)
- # Finding Category
- cat = soup.find("div", {"class": "col-9"})
- cat = cat.find("h2").text
- cat = cat.replace("Category: ", "")
- cat = cat.replace(",", "")
- cat = cat.strip()
- for card in listing:
- category.append(cat)
- bae = card.findAll('a')
- # Adding the url to the list of urls
- link = bae[0].get('href')
- href.append(link)
- # Finding Product Name
- product = bae[1].text
- product = product.replace('\n', ' ')
- product = product.replace(",", "")
- product = product.strip()
- name.append(product)
- # Finding Vendor
- vendor_name = bae[2].text
- vendor_name = vendor_name.replace(",", "")
- vendor_name = vendor_name.strip()
- vendor.append(vendor_name)
- # Finding USD
- usd = card.find('div', {"class": "mb-1"}).text
- usd = usd.replace("$", "")
- usd = usd.strip()
- USD.append(usd)
- # Finding Reviews
- num = card.find("span", {"class": "rate-count"}).text
- num = num.replace("(", "")
- num = num.replace("review)", "")
- num = num.replace("reviews)", "")
- num = num.strip()
- reviews.append(num)
- # Searching for CVE and MS categories
- cve = card.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
- if not cve:
- cveValue = "-1"
- else:
- cee = " "
- for idx in cve:
- cee += (idx)
- cee += " "
- cee = cee.replace(',', ' ')
- cee = cee.replace('\n', '')
- cveValue = cee
- CVE.append(cveValue)
- ms = card.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
- if not ms:
- MSValue = "-1"
- else:
- me = " "
- for im in ms:
- me += (im)
- me += " "
- me = me.replace(',', ' ')
- me = me.replace('\n', '')
- MSValue = me
- MS.append(MSValue)
- # Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
- return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, views,
- reviews, rating_item, addDate, BTC, USD, EURO, sold, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, href)
- def hiddenmarket_links_parser(soup):
- # Returning all links that should be visited by the Crawler
- href = []
- listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "item"})
- for div in listing:
- link = div.findAll('a')
- link = link[1]
- link = link['href']
- href.append(link)
- return href