- __author__ = 'Helium'
- import glob
- import os
- import codecs
- import shutil
- from MarketPlaces.DB_Connection.db_connection import *
- from MarketPlaces.DarkFox.parser import *
- from MarketPlaces.Tor2door.parser import *
- from MarketPlaces.Classifier.classify_product import predict
- def mergePages(rmm, rec):
- # key = u"Pr:" + rec[1].upper() + u" Vendor:" + rec[18].upper()
- # key = rec[23]
- print("----------------- Matched: " + rec[1] + "--------------------")
- # if rec[1] == "-1": #Item_Name
- # rec[1] = rmm[0]
- rec[1] = rmm[0]
- if rec[2] == "-1": #Item_CVE_Classification
- rec[2] = rmm[4]
- if rec[3] == "-1": #Item_MS_Classification
- rec[3] = rmm[5]
- if rec[4] == "-1": #Item_MarketCategory
- rec[4] = rmm[7]
- if rec[5] == "-1": #Item_Description
- rec[5] = rmm[1]
- elif rmm[1] != "-1":
- rec[5] = rec[5] + " " + rmm[1]
- if rec[6] == "-1": #Item _EscrowInfo
- rec[6] = rmm[11]
- #rec[7] = "-1" #Item__N.OfViews
- if rec[8] == "-1": #Item_Reviews
- rec[8] = rmm[6]
- if rec[9] == "-1": #Item_AddedDate
- rec[9] = rmm[15]
- if rec[10] == "-1": #Item_LastViewedDate
- rec[10] = rmm[2]
- if rec[11] == "-1": #Item_BTC_SellingPrice
- rec[11] = rmm[18]
- if rec[12] == "-1": #Item_US_SellingPrice
- rec[12] = rmm[19]
- if rec[13] == "-1": #Item_EURO_SellingPrice
- rec[13] = rmm[22]
- if rec[14] == "-1": #Item_QuantitySold
- rec[14] = rmm[14]
- if rec[15] == "-1": #Item_QuantityLeft
- rec[15] = rmm[10]
- if rec[16] == "-1": #Item_ShippedFrom
- rec[16] = rmm[8]
- if rec[17] == "-1": #Item_ShippedTo
- rec[17] = rmm[9]
- if rec[18] == "-1": #Vendor_Name
- rec[18] = rmm[13]
- if rec[19] == "-1": #Vendor_Rating
- rec[19] = rmm[20]
- if rec[20] == "-1": #Vendor_Successfull Transactions
- rec[20] = rmm[21]
- if rec[21] == "-1": #Vendor_TermsAndConditions
- rec[21] = rmm[12]
- #rec[?] = rmm[17] #Item_EndDate
- #rec[?] = rmm[?] #Item_Feedback
- #rec[?] = rmm[?] #Shipping Options
- #rec[?] = rmm[?] #Average Delivery Time
- return rec
- def persist_data(row, cur):
- marketPlace = create_marketPlace(cur, row)
- vendor = create_vendor(cur, row)
- create_items(cur, row, marketPlace, vendor)
- def new_parse(marketPlace, createLog):
- print("Parsing the " + marketPlace + " marketplace and conduct data classification to store the information in the database.")
- crawlerDate = date.today()
- # ini = time.time()
- global site
- #Connecting to the database
- con = connectDataBase()
- cur = con.cursor()
- #Creating the tables (The database should be created manually)
- create_database(cur, con)
- nError = 0
- lines = [] #lines.clear()
- lns = [] #lns.clear()
- detPage = {}
- rw = []
- #Creating the log file for each Market Place
- if createLog:
- if not os.path.exists("./" + marketPlace + "/Logs/" + marketPlace + "_" + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.month) + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.day) + str("%04d" %crawlerDate.year) + ".log"):
- logFile = open("./" + marketPlace + "/Logs/" + marketPlace + "_" + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.month) + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.day) + str("%04d" %crawlerDate.year) + ".log", "w")
- else:
- print("Files of the date " + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.month) + "/" + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.day) + "/" + str("%04d" %crawlerDate.year) +
- " from the Market Place " + marketPlace + " were already read. Delete the referent information in the Data Base and also delete the log file "
- "in the _Logs folder to read files from this Market Place of this date again.")
- raise SystemExit
- # Reading the Listing Html Pages
- for fileListing in glob.glob(os.path.join (os.getcwd().replace("Initialization","") + marketPlace + "\\HTML_Pages\\" + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.month) + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.day) + str("%04d" %crawlerDate.year) + "\\Listing" ,'*.html')):
- lines.append(fileListing)
- # Reading the Description Html Pages
- for fileDescription in glob.glob(os.path.join (os.getcwd().replace("Initialization","") + marketPlace + "\\HTML_Pages\\" + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.month) + str("%02d" %crawlerDate.day) + str("%04d" %crawlerDate.year) + "\\Description" ,'*.html')):
- lns.append(fileDescription)
- # Parsing the Description Pages and put the tag's content into a dictionary (Hash table)
- for index, line2 in enumerate(lns):
- print("Reading description folder of '" + marketPlace + "', file '" + os.path.basename(line2) + "', index= " + str(index + 1) + " ... " + str(len(lns)))
- try:
- html = codecs.open(line2.strip('\n'), encoding='utf8')
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
- html.close()
- except:
- try:
- html = open(line2.strip('\n'))
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
- html.close()
- except:
- nError += 1
- print("There was a problem to read the file " + line2 + " in the Description section!")
- if createLog:
- logFile.write(str(nError) + ". There was a problem to read the file " + line2 + " in the Description section.\n")
- continue
- try:
- if marketPlace == "DarkFox":
- rmm = darkfox_description_parser(soup)
- elif marketPlace == "Tor2door":
- rmm = tor2door_description_parser(soup)
- # key = u"Pr:" + rmm[0].upper()[:desc_lim1] + u" Vendor:" + rmm[13].upper()[:desc_lim2]
- key = u"Url:" + os.path.basename(line2).replace(".html", "")
- # save file address with description record in memory
- detPage[key] = {'rmm': rmm, 'filename': os.path.basename(line2)}
- except:
- nError += 1
- print("There was a problem to parse the file " + line2 + " in the Description section!")
- if createLog:
- logFile.write(str(nError) + ". There was a problem to parse the file " + line2 + " in the Description section.\n")
- # Parsing the Listing Pages and put the tag's content into a list
- for index, line1 in enumerate(lines):
- print("Reading listing folder of '" + marketPlace + "', file '" + os.path.basename(line1) + "', index= " + str(index + 1) + " ... " + str(len(lines)))
- readError = False
- try:
- html = codecs.open(line1.strip('\n'), encoding='utf8')
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
- html.close()
- except:
- try:
- html = open(line1.strip('\n'))
- soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
- html.close()
- except:
- nError += 1
- print("There was a problem to read the file " + line1 + " in the Listing section!")
- if createLog:
- logFile.write(str(nError) + ". There was a problem to read the file " + line1 + " in the Listing section.\n")
- readError = True
- if not readError:
- parseError = False
- try:
- if marketPlace == "DarkFox":
- rw = darkfox_listing_parser(soup)
- elif marketPlace == "Tor2door":
- rw = tor2door_listing_parser(soup)
- else:
- parseError = True
- except:
- nError += 1
- print("There was a problem to parse the file " + line1 + " in the listing section!")
- if createLog:
- logFile.write(
- str(nError) + ". There was a problem to parse the file " + line1 + " in the Listing section.\n")
- parseError = True
- if not parseError:
- persistError = False
- moveError = False
- num_in_db = 0
- num_persisted_moved = 0
- for rec in rw:
- rec = rec.split(',')
- # if len(detPage) > 0: #It was created here just because Zeroday Market does not have Description Pages
- # key = rec[23]
- # key = u"Pr:" + rec[1].upper()[:list_lim1] + u" Vendor:" + rec[18].upper()[:list_lim2]
- # key = u"Pr:" + rec[1].upper()
- url = ''.join(e for e in rec[23] if e.isalnum())
- key = u"Url:" + url
- # if the associated description page is parsed
- if key in detPage:
- # rec = mergePages(detPage, rec)
- # Combining the information from Listing and Description Pages
- rmm = detPage[key]['rmm']
- rec = mergePages(rmm, rec)
- # Append to the list the classification of the product
- # rec.append(str(predict(rec[1], rec[5], language='markets')))
- rec.append(str(predict(rec[1], rec[5], language='sup_english')))
- # Persisting the information in the database
- try:
- persist_data(tuple(rec), cur)
- con.commit()
- except:
- trace = traceback.format_exc()
- if trace.find("already exists") == -1:
- nError += 1
- print("There was a problem to persist the file " + detPage[key]['filename'] + " in the database!")
- if createLog:
- logFile.write(
- str(nError) + ". There was a problem to persist the file " + detPage[key]['filename'] + " in the database.\n")
- persistError = True
- con.rollback()
- if not persistError:
- # move description files of completed folder
- source = line2.replace(os.path.basename(line2), "") + detPage[key]['filename']
- destination = line2.replace(os.path.basename(line2), "") + r'Read/'
- try:
- shutil.move(source, destination)
- num_persisted_moved += 1
- except:
- print("There was a problem to move the file " + detPage[key]['filename'] + " in the Description section!")
- nError += 1
- if createLog:
- logFile.write(
- str(nError) + ". There was a problem to move the file " + detPage[key]['filename'] + " in the Description section!.\n")
- moveError = True
- # if the associated description page is not read or not parsed
- else:
- # query database
- # if the product already exists:
- # num_in_db += 1
- pass
- # if number of products on listing page is equal to
- # the number of merged, persisted, and moved products plus
- # the number of products already in the database
- if not persistError and not moveError and len(rw) == (num_persisted_moved + num_in_db):
- # move listing file to completed folder
- source = line1
- destination = line1.replace(os.path.basename(line1), "") + r'Read/'
- try:
- shutil.move(source, destination)
- except:
- nError += 1
- print("There was a problem to move the file " + line1 + " in the Listing section!")
- if createLog:
- logFile.write(str(nError) + ". There was a problem to move the file " + line1 + " in the Listing section!.\n")
- # g.close ()
- if createLog:
- logFile.close()
- # end = time.time()
- # finalTime = float(end-ini)
- # print (marketPlace + " Parsing Perfomed Succesfully in %.2f" %finalTime + "!")
- input("Parsing the " + marketPlace + " marketplace and data classification done successfully. Press ENTER to continue\n")