@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
# stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized |
# stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized |
# @param: soup object looking at html page of description page |
# @param: soup object looking at html page of description page |
# return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page |
# return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page |
def darkfox_description_parser(soup): |
def metaversemarket_description_parser(soup): |
# Fields to be parsed |
# Fields to be parsed |
name = "-1" # 0 Product_Name |
name = "-1" # 0 Product_Name |
@ -36,67 +36,58 @@ def darkfox_description_parser(soup): |
EURO = "-1" # 22 Product_EURO_SellingPrice |
EURO = "-1" # 22 Product_EURO_SellingPrice |
# Finding Product Name |
# Finding Product Name |
name = soup.find('h1').text |
name = soup.find('div', {'class': "panel-heading"}).text.strip |
name = name.replace('\n', ' ') |
name = name.replace(",", "") |
name = name.strip() |
# Finding Vendor |
# Finding Vendor |
vendor = soup.find('h3').find('a').text.strip() |
temp = soup.findAll('div', {'class': "col-xs-12 col-sm-6 mt-5"}) |
temp = temp[1].findAll('span') |
temp = temp[1].find('b').text |
name = temp.replace("@", "") |
# Finding Vendor Rating |
# Finding Product Reviews |
rating = soup.find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip() |
review = soup.find('span', {'class': "badge bg-success fs-12px"}).text.strip() |
# Finding Successful Transactions |
# Finding Successful Transactions |
success = soup.find('h3').text |
# NA |
success = success.replace("Vendor: ", "") |
success = success.replace(vendor, "") |
success = success.replace("(", "") |
success = success.replace(")", "") |
success = success.strip() |
bae = soup.find('div', {'class': "box"}).find_all('ul') |
# Finding Prices |
# Finding Prices |
USD = bae[1].find('strong').text.strip() |
USD = soup.find('h3', {'class': "mb-2"}).text() |
USD = USD.replace("Price: $", "").strip() |
li = bae[2].find_all('li') |
# Finding Escrow |
# Finding Escrow |
escrow = li[0].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip() |
escrow = soup.find('div', {'class': "alert alert-info text-center fw-bold"}).text |
escrow = escrow.replace('You are protected by ', "").strip() |
# Finding the Product Category |
# Finding the Product Category |
category = li[1].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip() |
temp = soup.select('div[class="mt-2"]') |
temp = temp[0].findAll('span') |
category = temp[1].text.strip() |
# Finding the Product Quantity Available |
# Finding the Product Quantity Available |
left = li[3].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip() |
# temp = soup.find('em', {'class': "icon ni ni-layers-fill"}).parent.parent.parent |
# left = temp.text |
# left = left.replace("Supply:", "") |
# left = left.strip() |
temp = soup.findAll('span', {'class': "badge bg-success"}) |
temp = temp[1].text.split("/") |
left = temp[1].strip() |
# Finding Number Sold |
# Finding Number Sold |
sold = li[4].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip() |
sold = temp[0].strip() |
li = bae[3].find_all('li') |
# Finding Shipment Information (Origin) |
# Finding Shipment Information (Origin) |
if "Ships from:" in li[-2].text: |
temp = soup.findAll('div', {'class': "alert alert-info"}) |
shipFrom = li[-2].text |
temp = temp[1].text.split("to") |
shipFrom = shipFrom.replace("Ships from: ", "") |
shipFrom = temp[0].replace("Shipping from ", "").strip() |
# shipFrom = shipFrom.replace(",", "") |
shipFrom = shipFrom.strip() |
# Finding Shipment Information (Destination) |
# Finding Shipment Information (Destination) |
shipTo = li[-1].find('div', {'title': "List of countries is scrollable"}).text |
shipTo = temp[1].split("for") |
shipTo = shipTo.replace("Ships to: ", "") |
shipTo = shipTo[0].strip() |
shipTo = shipTo.strip() |
if "certain countries" in shipTo: |
countries = "" |
tags = li[-1].find_all('span', {'class': "tag"}) |
for tag in tags: |
country = tag.text.strip() |
countries += country + ", " |
shipTo = countries.strip(", ") |
# Finding the Product description |
# Finding the Product description |
describe = soup.find('div', {'class': "pre-line"}).text |
describe = soup.find('p', {'class': "card-text"}).text |
describe = describe.replace("\n", " ") |
describe = describe.replace("\n", " ") |
describe = describe.strip() |
describe = describe.strip() |
@ -143,7 +134,7 @@ def darkfox_description_parser(soup): |
# stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized |
# stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized |
# @param: soup object looking at html page of listing page |
# @param: soup object looking at html page of listing page |
# return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the listing page |
# return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the listing page |
def darkfox_listing_parser(soup): |
def metaversemarket_listing_parser(soup): |
# Fields to be parsed |
# Fields to be parsed |
nm = 0 # Total_Products (Should be Integer) |
nm = 0 # Total_Products (Should be Integer) |
mktName = "DarkFox" # 0 Marketplace_Name |
mktName = "DarkFox" # 0 Marketplace_Name |
@ -169,7 +160,7 @@ def darkfox_listing_parser(soup): |
success = [] # 20 Vendor_Successful_Transactions |
success = [] # 20 Vendor_Successful_Transactions |
href = [] # 23 Product_Links (Urls) |
href = [] # 23 Product_Links (Urls) |
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card"}) |
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "col-12 col-sm-4 col-xl-3 product_item_col p-1"}) |
# Populating the Number of Products |
# Populating the Number of Products |
nm = len(listing) |
nm = len(listing) |
@ -183,58 +174,77 @@ def darkfox_listing_parser(soup): |
href.append(link) |
href.append(link) |
# Finding the Product |
# Finding the Product |
product = bae[1].find('p').text |
product = bae[1].find('span', {"class": "text-primary"}).text |
product = product.replace('\n', ' ') |
product = product.replace('\n', ' ') |
product = product.replace(",", "") |
product = product.replace(",", "") |
product = product.replace("...", "") |
product = product.replace("...", "") |
product = product.strip() |
product = product.strip() |
name.append(product) |
name.append(product) |
bae = a.find('div', {'class': "media-content"}).find('div').find_all('div') |
# Finding Prices |
price = a.find('strong').text |
if len(bae) >= 5: |
price = price.replace("Buy for $", "") |
# Finding Prices |
price = price.strip() |
price = bae[0].text |
USD.append(price) |
ud = price.replace(" USD", " ") |
# Finding the Vendor |
# u = ud.replace("$","") |
temp = a.find('div', {'class': "mt-1 fs-12px"}) |
u = ud.replace(",", "") |
temp = temp.findAll('span') |
u = u.strip() |
temp = temp[1].find('b').text |
USD.append(u) |
vendor_name = temp.replace("@", "").strip() |
# bc = (prc[1]).strip(' BTC') |
vendor.append(vendor_name) |
# BTC.append(bc) |
# Finding the Category |
cat = a.select_one('div[class="fs-12px"]') |
# Finding the Vendor |
cat = cat.findAll('span')[1].text |
vendor_name = bae[1].find('a').text |
cat = cat.text |
vendor_name = vendor_name.replace(",", "") |
cat = cat.strip() |
vendor_name = vendor_name.strip() |
category.append(cat) |
vendor.append(vendor_name) |
badge = a.findAll('span', {'class': "badge bg-success"}) |
# Finding Number Sold and Quantity Left |
# Finding the Category |
temp = badge[1].text |
cat = bae[2].find('small').text |
temp = temp.split("/") |
cat = cat.replace("Category: ", "") |
num = temp[0] |
cat = cat.replace(",", "") |
num = num.strip() |
cat = cat.strip() |
sold.append(num) |
category.append(cat) |
quant = temp[1] |
quant = quant.strip() |
# Finding Number Sold and Quantity Left |
qLeft.append(quant) |
num = bae[3].text |
# Finding Successful Transactions |
num = num.replace("Sold: ", "") |
# NA |
num = num.strip() |
# Finding Product review |
sold.append(num) |
review = a.find('span', {'class': "badge bg-success fs-12px"}).text |
review = review.replace("+ ", "") |
quant = bae[4].find('small').text |
reviews.append(review) |
quant = quant.replace("In stock: ", "") |
# Finding Descrption |
quant = quant.strip() |
description = a.find('p', {'class': "alert alert-light text-ssbold p-1"}).text |
qLeft.append(quant) |
description = description.replace("\n", " ") |
description = description.strip() |
# Finding Successful Transactions |
describe.append(description) |
freq = bae[1].text |
# Finding Escrow |
freq = freq.replace(vendor_name, "") |
es = a.find('span', {'class': "fw-bold"}).text.strip() |
freq = re.sub(r'Vendor Level \d+', "", freq) |
escrow.append(es) |
freq = freq.replace("(", "") |
# Finding Number of Views |
freq = freq.replace(")", "") |
view = a.find('span', {'class': "badge bg-primary"}).text.strip() |
freq = freq.strip() |
views.append(view) |
success.append(freq) |
# Find where ships from |
ships = a.find('div', {'class': "alert alert-info item_alert fs-12px p-1"}) |
ships = ships.findAll('b') |
sFrom = ships[0].text.strips() |
shipFrom.append(sFrom) |
# Find where it ships to |
sTo = ships[1].text.strips() |
shipTo.append(sTo) |
# Searching for CVE and MS categories |
# Searching for CVE and MS categories |
cve = a.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}')) |
cve = a.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}')) |
@ -275,7 +285,7 @@ def metaversemarket_links_parser(soup): |
# Returning all links that should be visited by the Crawler |
# Returning all links that should be visited by the Crawler |
href = [] |
href = [] |
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "col-12 p-0"}) |
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "col-12 col-sm-4 col-xl-3 product_item_col p-1"}) |
for a in listing: |
for a in listing: |
bae = a.find('a', href=True) |
bae = a.find('a', href=True) |