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Completed parsers for AnonymousMarketplace & ThiefWorld

Khoi 1 year ago
7 changed files with 197 additions and 616 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +15
  3. +115
  4. +1
  5. +16
  6. +2
  7. +47

+ 1
- 0
Forums/OnniForums/ View File

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ def onniForums_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> tuple:
addDates.append(date_object) addDates.append(date_object)

+ 15
- 15
MarketPlaces/AnonymousMarketplace/ View File

@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ baseURL = 'http://3fqr7fgjaslhgmeiin5e2ky6ra5xkiafyzg7i36sfcehv3jvpgydteqd.onion
# Opens Tor Browser, crawls the website, then parses, then closes tor # Opens Tor Browser, crawls the website, then parses, then closes tor
#acts like the main method for the crawler, another function at the end of this code calls this function later #acts like the main method for the crawler, another function at the end of this code calls this function later
def startCrawling(): def startCrawling():
# mktName = getMKTName()
driver = getAccess()
# opentor()
mktName = getMKTName()
# driver = getAccess()
if driver != 'down':
except Exception as e:
print(driver.current_url, e)
# if driver != 'down':
# try:
# login(driver)
# crawlForum(driver)
# except Exception as e:
# print(driver.current_url, e)
# closetor(driver)
# new_parse(forumName, baseURL, False)
new_parse(mktName, baseURL, False)
# Opens Tor Browser # Opens Tor Browser
@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ def crawlForum(driver):
driver.back() driver.back()
# comment out # comment out
# break
# comment out # comment out
if count == 1:
count = 0
# if count == 20:
# count = 0
# break
try: try:
link = "" link = ""

+ 115
- 253
MarketPlaces/AnonymousMarketplace/ View File

@ -4,273 +4,135 @@ __author__ = 'DarkWeb'
from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import * from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import *
# Here, we are importing BeautifulSoup to search through the HTML tree # Here, we are importing BeautifulSoup to search through the HTML tree
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, ResultSet, Tag
#parses description pages, so takes html pages of description pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized
#@param: soup object looking at html page of description page
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page
def darkfox_description_parser(soup):
def anonymousMarketplace_description_parser(soup: Tag):
# Fields to be parsed # Fields to be parsed
name = "-1" # 0 Product_Name
describe = "-1" # 1 Product_Description
lastSeen = "-1" # 2 Product_LastViewDate
rules = "-1" # 3 NOT USED ...
CVE = "-1" # 4 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = "-1" # 5 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
review = "-1" # 6 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
vendor = "-1" # 0 *Vendor_Name
success = "-1" # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
rating_vendor = "-1" # 2 Vendor_Rating
name = "-1" # 3 *Product_Name
describe = "-1" # 4 Product_Description
CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category
shipFrom = "-1" # 8 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = "-1" # 9 Product_ShippedTo
left = "-1" # 10 Product_QuantityLeft
escrow = "-1" # 11 Vendor_Warranty
terms = "-1" # 12 Vendor_TermsAndConditions
vendor = "-1" # 13 Vendor_Name
sold = "-1" # 14 Product_QuantitySold
addDate = "-1" # 15 Product_AddedDate
available = "-1" # 16 NOT USED ...
endDate = "-1" # 17 NOT USED ...
BTC = "-1" # 18 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = "-1" # 19 Product_USD_SellingPrice
rating = "-1" # 20 Vendor_Rating
success = "-1" # 21 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
EURO = "-1" # 22 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
# Finding Product Name
name = soup.find('h1').text
name = name.replace('\n', ' ')
name = name.replace(",", "")
name = name.strip()
# Finding Vendor
vendor = soup.find('h3').find('a').text.strip()
# Finding Vendor Rating
rating = soup.find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding Successful Transactions
success = soup.find('h3').text
success = success.replace("Vendor: ", "")
success = success.replace(vendor, "")
success = success.replace("(", "")
success = success.replace(")", "")
success = success.strip()
bae = soup.find('div', {'class': "box"}).find_all('ul')
# Finding Prices
USD = bae[1].find('strong').text.strip()
li = bae[2].find_all('li')
# Finding Escrow
escrow = li[0].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding the Product Category
category = li[1].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding the Product Quantity Available
left = li[3].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding Number Sold
sold = li[4].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
li = bae[3].find_all('li')
# Finding Shipment Information (Origin)
if "Ships from:" in li[-2].text:
shipFrom = li[-2].text
shipFrom = shipFrom.replace("Ships from: ", "")
# shipFrom = shipFrom.replace(",", "")
shipFrom = shipFrom.strip()
# Finding Shipment Information (Destination)
shipTo = li[-1].find('div', {'title': "List of countries is scrollable"}).text
shipTo = shipTo.replace("Ships to: ", "")
shipTo = shipTo.strip()
if "certain countries" in shipTo:
countries = ""
tags = li[-1].find_all('span', {'class': "tag"})
for tag in tags:
country = tag.text.strip()
countries += country + ", "
shipTo = countries.strip(", ")
# Finding the Product description
describe = soup.find('div', {'class': "pre-line"}).text
describe = describe.replace("\n", " ")
describe = describe.strip()
'''# Finding the Number of Product Reviews
tag = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('Reviews'))
for index in tag:
reviews = index
par = reviews.find('(')
if par >=0:
reviews = reviews.replace("Reviews (","")
reviews = reviews.replace(")","")
reviews = reviews.split(",")
review = str(abs(int(reviews[0])) + abs(int(reviews[1])))
else :
review = "-1"'''
# Searching for CVE and MS categories
cve = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
if cve:
CVE = " "
for idx in cve:
CVE += (idx)
CVE += " "
CVE = CVE.replace(',', ' ')
CVE = CVE.replace('\n', '')
ms = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
if ms:
MS = " "
for im in ms:
MS += (im)
MS += " "
MS = MS.replace(',', ' ')
MS = MS.replace('\n', '')
views = "-1" # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating
addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate
BTC = "-1" # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = "-1" # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice
EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = "-1" # 15 Product_QuantitySold
left = "-1" # 16 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo
product_name = soup.find("h1", {"class": "product_title entry-title"}).text
name = cleanString(product_name.strip())
product_description_list: ResultSet[Tag] = soup.find("div", {"id": "tab-description"}).find_all("div")
describe_output = ""
for div in product_description_list:
describe_output += div.text
describe = cleanString(describe_output.strip())
product_ratings: Tag = soup.find("div", {"class": "star-rating"})
product_reviews = product_ratings.find("strong", {"class": "rating"}).text
reviews = cleanString(product_reviews.strip())
product_star_rating = product_ratings.find("span", {"class": "rating"}).text
rating_item = cleanString(product_star_rating.strip())
product_price = soup.find("span", {"class": "woocommerce-Price-amount amount"}).text.replace("$", "")
USD = cleanString(product_price.strip())
# Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped) # Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
row = (name, describe, lastSeen, rules, CVE, MS, review, category, shipFrom, shipTo, left, escrow, terms, vendor,
sold, addDate, available, endDate, BTC, USD, rating, success, EURO)
row = (vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, describe, CVE, MS, category, views, reviews, rating_item, addDate,
BTC, USD, EURO, sold, left, shipFrom, shipTo)
# Sending the results # Sending the results
return row return row
#parses listing pages, so takes html pages of listing pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized
#@param: soup object looking at html page of listing page
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the listing page
def darkfox_listing_parser(soup):
def anonymousMarketplace_listing_parser(soup: Tag):
# Fields to be parsed # Fields to be parsed
nm = 0 # Total_Products (Should be Integer)
mktName = "DarkFox" # 0 Marketplace_Name
name = [] # 1 Product_Name
CVE = [] # 2 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = [] # 3 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = [] # 4 Product_Category
describe = [] # 5 Product_Description
escrow = [] # 6 Vendor_Warranty
views = [] # 7 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = [] # 8 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
addDate = [] # 9 Product_AddDate
lastSeen = [] # 10 Product_LastViewDate
BTC = [] # 11 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = [] # 12 Product_USD_SellingPrice
EURO = [] # 13 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = [] # 14 Product_QuantitySold
qLeft =[] # 15 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = [] # 16 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = [] # 17 Product_ShippedTo
vendor = [] # 18 Vendor
rating = [] # 19 Vendor_Rating
success = [] # 20 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
href = [] # 23 Product_Links (Urls)
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card"})
# Populating the Number of Products
nm = len(listing)
for a in listing:
bae = a.findAll('a', href=True)
# Adding the url to the list of urls
link = bae[0].get('href')
link = cleanLink(link)
# Finding the Product
product = bae[1].find('p').text
product = product.replace('\n', ' ')
product = product.replace(",", "")
product = product.replace("...", "")
product = product.strip()
bae = a.find('div', {'class': "media-content"}).find('div').find_all('div')
if len(bae) >= 5:
# Finding Prices
price = bae[0].text
ud = price.replace(" USD", " ")
# u = ud.replace("$","")
u = ud.replace(",", "")
u = u.strip()
# bc = (prc[1]).strip(' BTC')
# BTC.append(bc)
# Finding the Vendor
vendor_name = bae[1].find('a').text
vendor_name = vendor_name.replace(",", "")
vendor_name = vendor_name.strip()
# Finding the Category
cat = bae[2].find('small').text
cat = cat.replace("Category: ", "")
cat = cat.replace(",", "")
cat = cat.strip()
# Finding Number Sold and Quantity Left
num = bae[3].text
num = num.replace("Sold: ", "")
num = num.strip()
quant = bae[4].find('small').text
quant = quant.replace("In stock: ", "")
quant = quant.strip()
# Finding Successful Transactions
freq = bae[1].text
freq = freq.replace(vendor_name, "")
freq = re.sub(r'Vendor Level \d+', "", freq)
freq = freq.replace("(", "")
freq = freq.replace(")", "")
freq = freq.strip()
# Searching for CVE and MS categories
cve = a.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
if not cve:
cee = " "
for idx in cve:
cee += (idx)
cee += " "
cee = cee.replace(',', ' ')
cee = cee.replace('\n', '')
nm = 0 # *Total_Products (Should be Integer)
mktName = "AnonymousMarketplace" # 0 *Marketplace_Name
vendor = [] # 1 *Vendor y
rating_vendor = [] # 2 Vendor_Rating
success = [] # 3 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
name = [] # 4 *Product_Name y
CVE = [] # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = [] # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = [] # 7 Product_Category y
describe = [] # 8 Product_Description
views = [] # 9 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = [] # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
rating_item = [] # 11 Product_Rating
addDate = [] # 12 Product_AddDate
BTC = [] # 13 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = [] # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice y
EURO = [] # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = [] # 16 Product_QuantitySold
qLeft =[] # 17 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = [] # 18 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = [] # 19 Product_ShippedTo
href = [] # 20 Product_Links
product_list: ResultSet[Tag] = soup.find("ul", {"class": "product_list_widget"}).find_all("li")
for item in product_list:
item_href = item.find("a").get("href")
ms = a.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
if not ms:
item_name = item.find("span", {"class": "product-title"}).text
item_rating = item.find("div", {"class": "star-rating"}).find("strong", {"class": "rating"}).text
item_price = item.find("span", {"class": "woocommerce-Price-amount amount"}).text
if not item_price:
else: else:
me = " "
for im in ms:
me += (im)
me += " "
me = me.replace(',', ' ')
me = me.replace('\n', '')
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, escrow, views, reviews, addDate, lastSeen,
BTC, USD, EURO, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, vendor, rating, success, sold, href)
USD.append(cleanNumbers(item_price.replace("$", "").strip()))
nm += 1
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, views,
reviews, rating_item, addDate, BTC, USD, EURO, sold, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, href)
#called by the crawler to get description links on a listing page #called by the crawler to get description links on a listing page

+ 1
- 1
MarketPlaces/Initialization/marketsList.txt View File

@ -1 +1 @@

+ 16
- 3
MarketPlaces/Initialization/ View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from MarketPlaces.DB_Connection.db_connection import *
from MarketPlaces.DarkFox.parser import * from MarketPlaces.DarkFox.parser import *
from MarketPlaces.Tor2door.parser import * from MarketPlaces.Tor2door.parser import *
from MarketPlaces.Apocalypse.parser import * from MarketPlaces.Apocalypse.parser import *
from MarketPlaces.ThiefWorld.parser import *
from MarketPlaces.AnonymousMarketplace.parser import *
from MarketPlaces.Classifier.classify_product import predict from MarketPlaces.Classifier.classify_product import predict
@ -142,6 +144,10 @@ def new_parse(marketPlace, url, createLog):
rmm = tor2door_description_parser(soup) rmm = tor2door_description_parser(soup)
elif marketPlace == "Apocalypse": elif marketPlace == "Apocalypse":
rmm = apocalypse_description_parser(soup) rmm = apocalypse_description_parser(soup)
elif marketPlace == "ThiefWorld":
rmm = thiefWorld_description_parser(soup)
elif marketPlace =="AnonymousMarketplace":
rmm = anonymousMarketplace_description_parser(soup)
# key = u"Pr:" + rmm[0].upper()[:desc_lim1] + u" Vendor:" + rmm[13].upper()[:desc_lim2] # key = u"Pr:" + rmm[0].upper()[:desc_lim1] + u" Vendor:" + rmm[13].upper()[:desc_lim2]
key = u"Url:" + os.path.basename(line2).replace(".html", "") key = u"Url:" + os.path.basename(line2).replace(".html", "")
@ -149,7 +155,7 @@ def new_parse(marketPlace, url, createLog):
# save file address with description record in memory # save file address with description record in memory
detPage[key] = {'rmm': rmm, 'filename': os.path.basename(line2)} detPage[key] = {'rmm': rmm, 'filename': os.path.basename(line2)}
except :
nError += 1 nError += 1
print("There was a problem to parse the file " + line2 + " in the Description section!") print("There was a problem to parse the file " + line2 + " in the Description section!")
@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ def new_parse(marketPlace, url, createLog):
readError = True readError = True
if not readError: if not readError:
parseError = False parseError = False
try: try:
@ -191,10 +197,15 @@ def new_parse(marketPlace, url, createLog):
rw = tor2door_listing_parser(soup) rw = tor2door_listing_parser(soup)
elif marketPlace == "Apocalypse": elif marketPlace == "Apocalypse":
rw = apocalypse_listing_parser(soup) rw = apocalypse_listing_parser(soup)
elif marketPlace == "ThiefWorld":
rw = thiefWorld_listing_parser(soup)
elif marketPlace == "AnonymousMarketplace":
rw = anonymousMarketplace_listing_parser(soup)
else: else:
parseError = True parseError = True
except Exception as e:
raise e
nError += 1 nError += 1
print("There was a problem to parse the file " + line1 + " in the listing section!") print("There was a problem to parse the file " + line1 + " in the listing section!")
@ -213,6 +224,7 @@ def new_parse(marketPlace, url, createLog):
for rec in rw: for rec in rw:
rec = rec.split(',') rec = rec.split(',')
# if len(detPage) > 0: #It was created here just because Zeroday Market does not have Description Pages # if len(detPage) > 0: #It was created here just because Zeroday Market does not have Description Pages
# key = rec[23] # key = rec[23]
@ -220,6 +232,7 @@ def new_parse(marketPlace, url, createLog):
# key = u"Pr:" + rec[1].upper()[:list_lim1] + u" Vendor:" + rec[18].upper()[:list_lim2] # key = u"Pr:" + rec[1].upper()[:list_lim1] + u" Vendor:" + rec[18].upper()[:list_lim2]
key = u"Url:" + cleanLink(rec[20]) key = u"Url:" + cleanLink(rec[20])
# if the associated description page is parsed # if the associated description page is parsed
if key in detPage: if key in detPage:

+ 2
- 2
MarketPlaces/ThiefWorld/ View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def startCrawling():
# opentor() # opentor()
mktName = getMKTName() mktName = getMKTName()
# driver = getAccess() # driver = getAccess()
# if driver != 'down': # if driver != 'down':
# try: # try:
# login(driver) # login(driver)
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def crawlForum(driver):
break break
# comment out # comment out
if count == 1:
if count == 20:
count = 0 count = 0
break break

+ 47
- 342
MarketPlaces/ThiefWorld/ View File

@ -11,30 +11,25 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, ResultSet, Tag
def thiefWorld_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Tuple: def thiefWorld_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Tuple:
# Fields to be parsed # Fields to be parsed
name = "-1" # 0 Product_Name
describe = "-1" # 1 Product_Description
lastSeen = "-1" # 2 Product_LastViewDate
rules = "-1" # 3 NOT USED ...
CVE = "-1" # 4 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = "-1" # 5 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
review = "-1" # 6 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
vendor = "-1" # 0 *Vendor_Name
success = "-1" # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
rating_vendor = "-1" # 2 Vendor_Rating
name = "-1" # 3 *Product_Name
describe = "-1" # 4 Product_Description
CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category
shipFrom = "-1" # 8 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = "-1" # 9 Product_ShippedTo
left = "-1" # 10 Product_QuantityLeft
escrow = "-1" # 11 Vendor_Warranty
terms = "-1" # 12 Vendor_TermsAndConditions
vendor = "-1" # 13 Vendor_Name
sold = "-1" # 14 Product_QuantitySold
addDate = "-1" # 15 Product_AddedDate
available = "-1" # 16 NOT USED ...
endDate = "-1" # 17 NOT USED ...
BTC = "-1" # 18 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = "-1" # 19 Product_USD_SellingPrice
rating = "-1" # 20 Vendor_Rating
success = "-1" # 21 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
EURO = "-1" # 22 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
views = "-1" # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating
addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate
BTC = "-1" # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = "-1" # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice
EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = "-1" # 15 Product_QuantitySold
left = "-1" # 16 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo
name = soup.find("h1", {'class': 'title'}).text name = soup.find("h1", {'class': 'title'}).text
name = cleanString(name.strip()) name = cleanString(name.strip())
@ -50,7 +45,7 @@ def thiefWorld_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Tuple:
shipFrom = cleanString(citySelection.strip()) shipFrom = cleanString(citySelection.strip())
vendor = soup.find('h1', {'class': 'title over'}).text vendor = soup.find('h1', {'class': 'title over'}).text
vendor = cleanString(vendor.strip)
vendor = cleanString(vendor.strip())
usdTag: Tag = soup.find('div', {'class': 'product_price__big'}).find('span') usdTag: Tag = soup.find('div', {'class': 'product_price__big'}).find('span')
usdText = usdTag.text.strip('/')[0] usdText = usdTag.text.strip('/')[0]
@ -58,173 +53,11 @@ def thiefWorld_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> Tuple:
USD = cleanString(usdText.replace("USD", "").strip()) USD = cleanString(usdText.replace("USD", "").strip())
ratingDiv = soup.find('div', {'class': 'rating_star'}) ratingDiv = soup.find('div', {'class': 'rating_star'})
rating = ratingDiv.get('title').strip(' ')[1]
row = (
return row
def thiefWorld_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
rating_vendor = ratingDiv.get('title').strip(' ')[1]
#parses description pages, so takes html pages of description pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized
#@param: soup object looking at html page of description page
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page
def darkfox_description_parser(soup):
# Fields to be parsed
name = "-1" # 0 Product_Name
describe = "-1" # 1 Product_Description
lastSeen = "-1" # 2 Product_LastViewDate
rules = "-1" # 3 NOT USED ...
CVE = "-1" # 4 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = "-1" # 5 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
review = "-1" # 6 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category
shipFrom = "-1" # 8 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = "-1" # 9 Product_ShippedTo
left = "-1" # 10 Product_QuantityLeft
escrow = "-1" # 11 Vendor_Warranty
terms = "-1" # 12 Vendor_TermsAndConditions
vendor = "-1" # 13 Vendor_Name
sold = "-1" # 14 Product_QuantitySold
addDate = "-1" # 15 Product_AddedDate
available = "-1" # 16 NOT USED ...
endDate = "-1" # 17 NOT USED ...
BTC = "-1" # 18 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = "-1" # 19 Product_USD_SellingPrice
rating = "-1" # 20 Vendor_Rating
success = "-1" # 21 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
EURO = "-1" # 22 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
# Finding Product Name
name = soup.find('h1').text
name = name.replace('\n', ' ')
name = name.replace(",", "")
name = name.strip()
# Finding Vendor
vendor = soup.find('h3').find('a').text.strip()
# Finding Vendor Rating
rating = soup.find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding Successful Transactions
success = soup.find('h3').text
success = success.replace("Vendor: ", "")
success = success.replace(vendor, "")
success = success.replace("(", "")
success = success.replace(")", "")
success = success.strip()
bae = soup.find('div', {'class': "box"}).find_all('ul')
# Finding Prices
USD = bae[1].find('strong').text.strip()
li = bae[2].find_all('li')
# Finding Escrow
escrow = li[0].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding the Product Category
category = li[1].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding the Product Quantity Available
left = li[3].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
# Finding Number Sold
sold = li[4].find('span', {'class': "tag is-dark"}).text.strip()
li = bae[3].find_all('li')
# Finding Shipment Information (Origin)
if "Ships from:" in li[-2].text:
shipFrom = li[-2].text
shipFrom = shipFrom.replace("Ships from: ", "")
# shipFrom = shipFrom.replace(",", "")
shipFrom = shipFrom.strip()
# Finding Shipment Information (Destination)
shipTo = li[-1].find('div', {'title': "List of countries is scrollable"}).text
shipTo = shipTo.replace("Ships to: ", "")
shipTo = shipTo.strip()
if "certain countries" in shipTo:
countries = ""
tags = li[-1].find_all('span', {'class': "tag"})
for tag in tags:
country = tag.text.strip()
countries += country + ", "
shipTo = countries.strip(", ")
# Finding the Product description
describe = soup.find('div', {'class': "pre-line"}).text
describe = describe.replace("\n", " ")
describe = describe.strip()
'''# Finding the Number of Product Reviews
tag = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('Reviews'))
for index in tag:
reviews = index
par = reviews.find('(')
if par >=0:
reviews = reviews.replace("Reviews (","")
reviews = reviews.replace(")","")
reviews = reviews.split(",")
review = str(abs(int(reviews[0])) + abs(int(reviews[1])))
else :
review = "-1"'''
# Searching for CVE and MS categories
cve = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
if cve:
CVE = " "
for idx in cve:
CVE += (idx)
CVE += " "
CVE = CVE.replace(',', ' ')
CVE = CVE.replace('\n', '')
ms = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
if ms:
MS = " "
for im in ms:
MS += (im)
MS += " "
MS = MS.replace(',', ' ')
MS = MS.replace('\n', '')
# Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped) # Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
row = (name, describe, lastSeen, rules, CVE, MS, review, category, shipFrom, shipTo, left, escrow, terms, vendor,
sold, addDate, available, endDate, BTC, USD, rating, success, EURO)
row = (vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, describe, CVE, MS, category, views, reviews, rating_item, addDate,
BTC, USD, EURO, sold, left, shipFrom, shipTo)
# Sending the results # Sending the results
return row return row
@ -235,27 +68,26 @@ def thiefWorld_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
# Fields to be parsed # Fields to be parsed
nm = 0 # Total_Products (Should be Integer) nm = 0 # Total_Products (Should be Integer)
mktName = "ThiefWorld" # 0 Marketplace_Name mktName = "ThiefWorld" # 0 Marketplace_Name
name = [] # 1 Product_Name
CVE = [] # 2 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = [] # 3 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = [] # 4 Product_Category
describe = [] # 5 Product_Description
escrow = [] # 6 Vendor_Warranty
views = [] # 7 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = [] # 8 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
addDate = [] # 9 Product_AddDate
lastSeen = [] # 10 Product_LastViewDate
BTC = [] # 11 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = [] # 12 Product_USD_SellingPrice
EURO = [] # 13 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = [] # 14 Product_QuantitySold
qLeft =[] # 15 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = [] # 16 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = [] # 17 Product_ShippedTo
vendor = [] # 18 Vendor
rating = [] # 19 Vendor_Rating
success = [] # 20 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
href = [] # 23 Product_Links (Urls)
vendor = [] # 1 *Vendor y
rating_vendor = [] # 2 Vendor_Rating
success = [] # 3 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
name = [] # 4 *Product_Name y
CVE = [] # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = [] # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = [] # 7 Product_Category y
describe = [] # 8 Product_Description
views = [] # 9 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = [] # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
rating_item = [] # 11 Product_Rating
addDate = [] # 12 Product_AddDate
BTC = [] # 13 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = [] # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice y
EURO = [] # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = [] # 16 Product_QuantitySold
qLeft =[] # 17 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = [] # 18 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = [] # 19 Product_ShippedTo
href = [] # 20 Product_Links
productList: ResultSet[Tag] = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'catalog_item'}) productList: ResultSet[Tag] = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'catalog_item'})
@ -279,11 +111,9 @@ def thiefWorld_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
productDescription = cleanString(productDescription.strip()) productDescription = cleanString(productDescription.strip())
describe.append(productDescription) describe.append(productDescription)
views.append('-1') views.append('-1')
reviews.append('-1') reviews.append('-1')
addDate.append('-1') addDate.append('-1')
BTC.append('-1') BTC.append('-1')
priceText = product.find('span', {'class': 'price'}).find('span').text priceText = product.find('span', {'class': 'price'}).find('span').text
@ -301,142 +131,17 @@ def thiefWorld_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
productVendor = cleanString(productVendor.strip()) productVendor = cleanString(productVendor.strip())
vendor.append(productVendor) vendor.append(productVendor)
success.append('-1') success.append('-1')
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, escrow, views, reviews, addDate, lastSeen,
BTC, USD, EURO, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, vendor, rating, success, sold, href)
#parses listing pages, so takes html pages of listing pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized
#@param: soup object looking at html page of listing page
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the listing page
def darkfox_listing_parser(soup):
# Fields to be parsed
nm = 0 # Total_Products (Should be Integer)
mktName = "DarkFox" # 0 Marketplace_Name
name = [] # 1 Product_Name
CVE = [] # 2 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = [] # 3 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = [] # 4 Product_Category
describe = [] # 5 Product_Description
escrow = [] # 6 Vendor_Warranty
views = [] # 7 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = [] # 8 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
addDate = [] # 9 Product_AddDate
lastSeen = [] # 10 Product_LastViewDate
BTC = [] # 11 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = [] # 12 Product_USD_SellingPrice
EURO = [] # 13 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = [] # 14 Product_QuantitySold
qLeft =[] # 15 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = [] # 16 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = [] # 17 Product_ShippedTo
vendor = [] # 18 Vendor
rating = [] # 19 Vendor_Rating
success = [] # 20 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
href = [] # 23 Product_Links (Urls)
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card"})
# Populating the Number of Products
nm = len(listing)
for a in listing:
bae = a.findAll('a', href=True)
# Adding the url to the list of urls
link = bae[0].get('href')
link = cleanLink(link)
# Finding the Product
product = bae[1].find('p').text
product = product.replace('\n', ' ')
product = product.replace(",", "")
product = product.replace("...", "")
product = product.strip()
bae = a.find('div', {'class': "media-content"}).find('div').find_all('div')
if len(bae) >= 5:
# Finding Prices
price = bae[0].text
ud = price.replace(" USD", " ")
# u = ud.replace("$","")
u = ud.replace(",", "")
u = u.strip()
# bc = (prc[1]).strip(' BTC')
# BTC.append(bc)
# Finding the Vendor
vendor_name = bae[1].find('a').text
vendor_name = vendor_name.replace(",", "")
vendor_name = vendor_name.strip()
# Finding the Category
cat = bae[2].find('small').text
cat = cat.replace("Category: ", "")
cat = cat.replace(",", "")
cat = cat.strip()
# Finding Number Sold and Quantity Left
num = bae[3].text
num = num.replace("Sold: ", "")
num = num.strip()
quant = bae[4].find('small').text
quant = quant.replace("In stock: ", "")
quant = quant.strip()
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, views,
reviews, rating_item, addDate, BTC, USD, EURO, sold, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, href)
# Finding Successful Transactions
freq = bae[1].text
freq = freq.replace(vendor_name, "")
freq = re.sub(r'Vendor Level \d+', "", freq)
freq = freq.replace("(", "")
freq = freq.replace(")", "")
freq = freq.strip()
# Searching for CVE and MS categories
cve = a.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
if not cve:
cee = " "
for idx in cve:
cee += (idx)
cee += " "
cee = cee.replace(',', ' ')
cee = cee.replace('\n', '')
ms = a.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
if not ms:
me = " "
for im in ms:
me += (im)
me += " "
me = me.replace(',', ' ')
me = me.replace('\n', '')
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, escrow, views, reviews, addDate, lastSeen,
BTC, USD, EURO, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, vendor, rating, success, sold, href)
#called by the crawler to get description links on a listing page #called by the crawler to get description links on a listing page
