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add DarkBazar

Nathan Pham 1 year ago
2 changed files with 516 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +252
  2. +264

+ 252
- 0
MarketPlaces/DarkBazar/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
__author__ = 'Helium'
DarkBazar Marketplace Crawler (Selenium)
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
from import By
from PIL import Image
import urllib.parse as urlparse
import os, re, time
from datetime import date
import subprocess
import configparser
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.prepare_parser import new_parse
from MarketPlaces.DarkBazar.parser import darkbazar_links_parser
from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import cleanHTML
counter = 1
baseURL = 'http://jw5e5sdywqupaqgtt43uq5ysfqpd2vzefl65s2fcjlj4qfxivynv6bqd.onion/log.php'
def login(driver):
input("Press ENTER when CAPTCHA is complete and login page has loaded\n")
# entering username and password into input boxes
usernameBox = driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value='//input[@name="username"]')
# Username here
passwordBox = driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value='//input[@name="password"]')
# Password here
input("Press ENTER when CAPTCHA is completed and you exit the newsletter\n")
# wait for listing page show up (This Xpath may need to change based on different seed url)
WebDriverWait(driver, 100).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located(
(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="submit"]')))
def crawlForum(driver):
print("Crawling the DarkBazar market")
linksToCrawl = getInterestedLinks()
i = 0
while i < len(linksToCrawl):
link = linksToCrawl[i]
print('Crawling :', link)
has_next_page = True
count = 0
while has_next_page:
html = driver.page_source
savePage(html, link)
list = productPages(html)
for item in list:
itemURL = urlparse.urljoin(baseURL, str(item))
savePage(driver.page_source, item)
# comment out
# comment out
if count == 1:
link = driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value='//a[contains(text(), "Next")]').get_attribute('href')
if link == "":
raise NoSuchElementException
count += 1
except NoSuchElementException:
has_next_page = False
except Exception as e:
print(link, e)
i += 1
input("Crawling DarkBazar forum done sucessfully. Press ENTER to continue\n")
def savePage(page, url):
cleanPage = cleanHTML(page)
filePath = getFullPathName(url)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filePath), exist_ok=True)
open(filePath, 'wb').write(cleanPage.encode('utf-8'))
def getInterestedLinks():
links = []
return links
def crawler():
def startCrawling():
mktName = getMKTName()
driver = getAccess()
if driver != 'down':
except Exception as e:
print(driver.current_url, e)
# new_parse(mktName, baseURL, False)
# Opens Tor Browser
def opentor():
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config
global pid
print("Connecting Tor...")
pro = subprocess.Popen(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_binary_path'))
pid =
input('Tor Connected. Press ENTER to continue\n')
# Returns the name of the website
def getMKTName():
name = 'DarkBazar'
return name
# Return the base link of the website
def getFixedURL():
url = 'http://jw5e5sdywqupaqgtt43uq5ysfqpd2vzefl65s2fcjlj4qfxivynv6bqd.onion/log.php'
return url
# Closes Tor Browser
def closetor(driver):
# global pid
# os.system("taskkill /pid " + str(
# os.system("taskkill /t /f /im tor.exe")
print('Closing Tor...')
# Creates FireFox 'driver' and configure its 'Profile'
# to use Tor proxy and socket
def createFFDriver():
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config
ff_binary = FirefoxBinary(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_binary_path'))
ff_prof = FirefoxProfile(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_profile_path'))
ff_prof.set_preference("places.history.enabled", False)
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps", True)
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.passwords", True)
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.siteSettings", True)
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", True)
ff_prof.set_preference("signon.rememberSignons", False)
ff_prof.set_preference("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 2)
ff_prof.set_preference("network.dns.disablePrefetch", True)
ff_prof.set_preference("network.http.sendRefererHeader", 0)
ff_prof.set_preference("permissions.default.image", 2)
ff_prof.set_preference("", 2)
ff_prof.set_preference("", False)
ff_prof.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "text/plain")
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.type', 1)
ff_prof.set_preference("network.proxy.socks_version", 5)
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks', '')
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_port', 9150)
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_remote_dns', True)
ff_prof.set_preference("javascript.enabled", False)
service = Service(config.get('TOR', 'geckodriver_path'))
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=ff_binary, firefox_profile=ff_prof, service=service)
return driver
def productPages(html):
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
return darkbazar_links_parser(soup)
#the driver 'gets' the url, attempting to get on the site, if it can't access return 'down'
def getAccess():
url = getFixedURL()
driver = createFFDriver()
return driver
return 'down'
def getFullPathName(url):
from Forums.Initialization.forums_mining import config, CURRENT_DATE
mainDir = os.path.join(config.get('Project', 'shared_folder'), "Forums/" + getForumName() + "/HTML_Pages")
fileName = getNameFromURL(url)
if isDescriptionLink(url):
fullPath = os.path.join(mainDir, CURRENT_DATE + r'\\Description\\' + fileName + '.html')
fullPath = os.path.join(mainDir, CURRENT_DATE + r'\\Listing\\' + fileName + '.html')
return fullPath
# Returns 'True' if the link is Topic link, may need to change for every website
def isDescriptionLink(url):
if 'item' in url:
return True
return False
# Returns True if the link is a listingPage link, may need to change for every website
def isListingLink(url):
if 'category=' in url:
return True
return False
def getForumName() -> str:
name = 'DarkBazar'
return name
def getNameFromURL(url):
global counter
name = ''.join(e for e in url if e.isalnum())
if name == '':
name = str(counter)
counter = counter + 1
return name

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MarketPlaces/DarkBazar/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
# Here, we are importing the auxiliary functions to clean or convert data
from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import *
# Here, we are importing BeautifulSoup to search through the HTML tree
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# parses description pages, so takes html pages of description pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs
# stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized
# @param: soup object looking at html page of description page
# return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page
def darkbazar_description_parser(soup):
# Fields to be parsed
vendor = "-1" # 0 *Vendor_Name
success = "-1" # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
rating_vendor = "-1" # 2 Vendor_Rating
name = "-1" # 3 *Product_Name
describe = "-1" # 4 Product_Description
CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category
views = "-1" # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating
addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate
BTC = "-1" # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = "-1" # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice
EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = "-1" # 15 Product_QuantitySold
left = "-1" # 16 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo
# Finding Product Name
divmb = soup.findAll('div', {'class': "mb-1"})
name = divmb[0].text
name = name.replace('\n', ' ')
name = name.replace(",", "")
name = name.strip()
# Finding Vendor
vendor = divmb[1].find('a').text.strip()
# Finding Vendor Rating
rating = soup.find('div', {'class': ""}).text
rating = rating.replace("Vendor's Review : ", "")
rating = rating.strip()
# Finding Successful Transactions
success = divmb[3].text
success = success.replace("Level:", "")
success = success.strip()
# Finding Prices
USD = soup.find('div', {'class': "h3 text - primary"}).text.strip()
# Finding Escrow
escrow = divmb[5].find('span', {'class': "badge badge-danger"}).text.strip()
# Finding the Product Category
pmb = soup.findAll('p', {'class': "mb-1"})
category = pmb[-1].text
category = category.replace("Category: ", "").strip()
# Finding the Product Quantity Available
left = divmb[-1].text
left = left.split(",", 1)[1]
left = left.replace("in stock", "")
left = left.strip()
# Finding Number Sold
sold = divmb[-1].text
sold = sold.split(",", 1)[0]
sold = sold.replace("sold", "")
sold = sold.strip()
# Finding Shipment Information (Origin)
shipFrom = shipFrom.replace("Ships from: ", "").strip()
# Finding Shipment Information (Destination)
shipTo = shipTo.replace("Ships to: ", "").strip()
# Finding the Product description
cardbody = soup.findAll('div', {'class': "card-body"})
describe = cardbody[1].text.strip()
# Finding the Number of Product Reviews
reviews = reviews.find('div', {'class': "product-rating"}).text
reviews = reviews.replace("(", "")
reviews = reviews.replace(" review)", "")
reviews = reviews.strip()
# Searching for CVE and MS categories
cve = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
if cve:
CVE = " "
for idx in cve:
CVE += (idx)
CVE += " "
CVE = CVE.replace(',', ' ')
CVE = CVE.replace('\n', '')
ms = soup.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
if ms:
MS = " "
for im in ms:
MS += (im)
MS += " "
MS = MS.replace(',', ' ')
MS = MS.replace('\n', '')
# Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
row = (name, describe, CVE, MS, review, category, shipFrom, shipTo, left, escrow, vendor,
sold, addDate, BTC, USD, rating, success, EURO)
# Sending the results
return row
# parses listing pages, so takes html pages of listing pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs
# stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized
# @param: soup object looking at html page of listing page
# return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the listing page
def darkbazar_listing_parser(soup):
# Fields to be parsed
nm = 0 # Total_Products (Should be Integer)
mktName = "DarkBazar" # 0 Marketplace_Name
name = [] # 1 Product_Name
CVE = [] # 2 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
MS = [] # 3 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
category = [] # 4 Product_Category
describe = [] # 5 Product_Description
escrow = [] # 6 Vendor_Warranty
views = [] # 7 Product_Number_Of_Views
reviews = [] # 8 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
addDate = [] # 9 Product_AddDate
lastSeen = [] # 10 Product_LastViewDate
BTC = [] # 11 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
USD = [] # 12 Product_USD_SellingPrice
EURO = [] # 13 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
sold = [] # 14 Product_QuantitySold
qLeft = [] # 15 Product_QuantityLeft
shipFrom = [] # 16 Product_ShippedFrom
shipTo = [] # 17 Product_ShippedTo
vendor = [] # 18 Vendor
rating = [] # 19 Vendor_Rating
success = [] # 20 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
href = [] # 23 Product_Links (Urls)
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"id": "itembox"})
# Populating the Number of Products
nm = len(listing)
for a in listing:
bae = a.findAll('a', href=True)
lb = a.findAll('div', {"id": "littlebox"})
# Adding the url to the list of urls
link = bae[0].get('href')
link = cleanLink(link)
# Finding the Product
product = lb[1].find('a').text
product = product.replace('\n', ' ')
product = product.replace(",", "")
product = product.replace("...", "")
product = product.strip()
# Finding Prices
price = lb[-1].find('div', {"class": "mb-1"}).text
price = price.replace("$","")
price = price.strip()
# Finding the Vendor
vendor_name = lb[-1].find("a").text
vendor_name = vendor_name.replace(",", "")
vendor_name = vendor_name.strip()
# Finding the Category
cat = lb[-1].find("span").text
cat = cat.replace("class:", "")
cat = cat.strip()
# Finding Number Sold and Quantity Left
span = lb[1].findAll("span")
num = span[-1].text
num = num.replace("Sold:", "")
num = num.strip()
quant = span[1].text
quant = quant.replace("stock:", "")
quant = quant.strip()
# Searching for CVE and MS categories
cve = a.findAll(text=re.compile('CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}'))
if not cve:
cveValue = "-1"
cee = " "
for idx in cve:
cee += (idx)
cee += " "
cee = cee.replace(',', ' ')
cee = cee.replace('\n', '')
cveValue = cee
ms = a.findAll(text=re.compile('MS\d{2}-\d{3}'))
if not ms:
MSValue = "-1"
me = " "
for im in ms:
me += (im)
me += " "
me = me.replace(',', ' ')
me = me.replace('\n', '')
MSValue = me
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, escrow, views, reviews, addDate, lastSeen,
BTC, USD, EURO, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, vendor, rating, success, sold, href)
# called by the crawler to get description links on a listing page
# @param: beautifulsoup object that is using the correct html page (listing page)
# return: list of description links from a listing page
def darkbazar_links_parser(soup):
# Returning all links that should be visited by the Crawler
href = []
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"id": "itembox"})
# for a in listing:
# bae = a.find('a', {"class": "text-info"}, href=True)
# link = bae['href']
# href.append(link)
for a in listing:
bae = a.findAll('a', href=True)
# Adding the url to the list of urls
link = bae[0].get('href')
link = cleanLink(link)
return href
