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Image tracking.

ericssonmarin-cpp 1 year ago
11 changed files with 279 additions and 292 deletions
  1. +105
  2. +3
  3. +3
  4. +3
  5. +8
  6. +5
  7. +43
  8. +44
  9. +1
  10. +63
  11. +1

+ 105
- 195
Forums/AbyssForum/ View File

@ -11,231 +11,141 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# This is the method to parse the Description Pages (one page to each topic in the Listing Pages)
def cryptBB_description_parser(soup):
def abyssForums_description_parser(soup):
# Fields to be parsed
topic = "-1" # topic name
user = [] # all users of each post
addDate = [] # all dated of each post
feedback = [] # all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
status = [] # all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputation = [] # all users's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
sign = [] # all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
post = [] # all messages of each post
interest = [] # all user's interest in each post
topic = "-1" # 0 topic name
user = [] # 1 all users of each post
addDate = [] # 2 all dated of each post
feedback = [] # 3 all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
status = [] # 4 all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputation = [] # 5 all users's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
sign = [] # 6 all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
post = [] # 7 all messages of each post
interest = [] # 8 all user's interest in each post
image_user = [] # 9 all user avatars of each post
image_post = [] # 10 all first images of each post
# Finding the topic (should be just one coming from the Listing Page)
li = soup.find("td", {"class": "thead"}).find('strong')
topic = li.text
topic = re.sub("\[\w*\]", '', topic)
topic = topic.replace(",","")
li = soup.find("div", {"class": "page-body"}).find("h2", {"class": "topic-title"})
topic = li.text.replace(",","")
topic = topic.replace("\n","")
topic = cleanString(topic.strip())
# Finding the repeated tag that corresponds to the listing of posts
# posts = soup.find("form", {"name": "quickModForm"}).findAll('div', {"class": "windowbg"}) + \
# soup.find("form", {"name": "quickModForm"}).findAll('div', {"class": "windowbg2"})
posts = soup.find('table', {"class": "tborder tfixed clear"}).find('td', {"id": "posts_container"}).find_all(
'div', {"class": "post"})
# print(len(posts))
# For each message (post), get all the fields we are interested to:
for ipost in posts:
# Finding a first level of the HTML page
# post_wrapper = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_wrapper"}).find('div', {"class": "poster"})
post_wrapper = ipost.find('span', {"class": "largetext"})
# Finding the author (user) of the post
# author = post_wrapper.find('h4')
author = post_wrapper.text.strip()
# print("author " + author)
user.append(cleanString(author)) # Remember to clean the problematic characters
# Finding the status of the author
smalltext = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_author"})
# Testing here two possibilities to find this status and combine them
if ipost.find('div', {"class": "deleted_post_author"}):
# CryptBB does have membergroup and postgroup
membergroup = smalltext.find('div', {"class": "profile-rank"})
postgroup = smalltext.find('div', {"class": "postgroup"})
if membergroup != None:
membergroup = membergroup.text.strip()
if postgroup != None:
postgroup = postgroup.text.strip()
membergroup = membergroup + " - " + postgroup
if postgroup != None:
membergroup = postgroup.text.strip()
membergroup = "-1"
# print("status " + cleanString(membergroup))
# Finding the interest of the author
# CryptBB does not have blurb
blurb = smalltext.find('li', {"class": "blurb"})
if blurb != None:
blurb = blurb.text.strip()
blurb = "-1"
# Finding the reputation of the user
# CryptBB does have reputation
author_stats = smalltext.find('div', {"class": "author_statistics"})
karma = author_stats.find('strong')
if karma != None:
karma = karma.text
karma = karma.replace("Community Rating: ", "")
karma = karma.replace("Karma: ", "")
karma = karma.strip()
karma = "-1"
# print("karma " + cleanString(karma))
# Getting here another good tag to find the post date, post content and users' signature
postarea = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_content"})
dt = postarea.find('span', {"class": "post_date"}).text
# dt = dt.strip().split()
dt = dt.strip()
if "Yesterday" in dt:
yesterday = day - timedelta(days=1)
yesterday = yesterday.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
stime = dt.replace('Yesterday,','').strip()
date_time_obj = yesterday+ ', '+stime
date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date_time_obj,'%m-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p')
elif "hours ago" in dt:
day = day.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
date_time_obj = postarea.find('span', {"class": "post_date"}).find('span')['title']
date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date_time_obj, '%m-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p')
date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(dt, '%m-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p')
stime = date_time_obj.strftime('%b %d, %Y')
sdate = date_time_obj.strftime('%I:%M %p')
# print("date " + str(date_time_obj))
# Finding the date of the post
# date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(dt, '%a %b %d, %Y %I:%M %p')
# smalltext = postarea.find('div', {"class": "flow_hidden"}).find('div', {"class": "keyinfo"})\
# .find('div', {"class": "smalltext"})
# sdatetime = smalltext.text
# sdatetime = sdatetime.replace(u"\xab","") # Removing unnecessary characters
# sdatetime = sdatetime.replace(u"\xbb","") # Removing unnecessary characters
# sdatetime = sdatetime.split("on: ") # Removing unnecessary characters
# sdatetime = sdatetime[1].strip()
# stime = sdatetime[:-12:-1] # Finding the time of the post
# stime = stime[::-1]
# sdate = sdatetime.replace(stime,"") # Finding the date of the post
# sdate = sdate.replace(",","")
# sdate = sdate.strip()
# Covert the date of the post that can be informed as: "12 February 2016", "today", "yesterday". We need
# a date format here as "mm/dd/yyyy"
# addDate.append(convertDate(sdate,"english", crawlerDate) + " " + stime)
# Finding the post
inner = postarea.find('div', {"class": "post_body scaleimages"})
inner = inner.text.strip()
# print(inner)
# Finding the users's signature
# signature = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_wrapper"}).find('div', {"class": "moderatorbar"}).find('div', {"class": "signature"})
signature = ipost.find('div', {"class": "signature scaleimages"})
if signature != None:
signature = signature.text.strip()
# print(signature)
signature = "-1"
# As no information about users's feedback was found, just assign "-1" to the variable
if soup.find('td', {"class": "trow1"}).text == " You do not have permission to access this page. ":
post.append("NO ACCESS TO THIS PAGE!")
regex = re.compile('post has-profile.*')
posts = soup.find_all('div', {"class": regex})
# print(len(posts))
# For each message (post), get all the fields we are interested to:
for ipost in posts:
# Finding the author (user) of the post
author = ipost.find('a', {"class": "username"}).text
user.append(cleanString(author)) # Remember to clean the problematic characters
img = ipost.find('dl', {"class": "postprofile"}).find('img')
if img is not None:
img = img.get('src').split('base64,')[-1]
img = "-1"
date_time_obj = ipost.find('time').attrs
date = date_time_obj['datetime'][0:10]
time = date_time_obj['datetime'][11:19]
date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date + " " + time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Finding the post
inner = ipost.find('div', {"class": "content"})
inner = inner.text.strip()
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
row = (topic, post, user, addDate, feedback, status, reputation, sign, interest)
row = (topic, user, status, reputation, interest, sign, post, feedback, addDate, image_user, image_post)
# Sending the results
return row
# This is the method to parse the Listing Pages (one page with many posts)
def AbyssForums_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
board = "-1" # board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
# For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware)
nm = 0 # this variable should receive the number of topics
topic = [] # all topics
user = [] # all users of each topic
post = [] # number of posts of each topic
view = [] # number of views of each topic
addDate = [] # when the topic was created (difficult to find)
href = [] # this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
def abyssForums_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
nm = 0 # this variable should receive the number of topics
forum = "AbyssForum" # 0 *forum name
board = "-1" # 1 board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
# For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware)
author = [] # 2 all authors of each topic
topic = [] # 3 all topics
views = [] # 4 number of views of each topic
posts = [] # 5 number of posts of each topic
href = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
addDate = [] # when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_author = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
# Listing and Description pages)
#finding the board
board = soup.find("title").text
board = soup.find("h2", {"class": "forum-title"}).text
board = cleanString(board.strip())
type_of_posts = soup.find_all("li", {"class": re.compile("row bg\d")} )
for literature in type_of_posts:
title_of_post = literature.find("a", {"class": "topictitle"}).text
title_of_post = cleanString(title_of_post)
author = literature.find("div", {"class": "topic-poster responsive-hide left-box"}).find("a", {"class": "username"}).text
num_post = literature.find("dd", {"class": "posts"}).text[1:-3]
num_view = literature.find("dd", {"class": "views"}).text[1:-3]
if int(num_post) != 0:
reply = literature.find("dd", {"class": "lastpost"}).find("a", {"class": "username"}).text
date_added = literature.find("time").text
user = literature.find("div", {"class": "topic-poster responsive-hide left-box"}).find("a", {"class": "username"}).text
num_post = literature.find("dd", {"class": "posts"}).text.replace("Replies","").strip()
num_view = literature.find("dd", {"class": "views"}).text.replace("Views","").strip()
#if int(num_post) != 0: join the last user who posted with the author?
# reply = literature.find("dd", {"class": "lastpost"}).find("a", {"class": "username"}).text
# user.append(reply)
date_time_obj = literature.find('time').attrs
date = date_time_obj['datetime'][0:10]
time = date_time_obj['datetime'][11:19]
date_added = datetime.strptime(date + " " + time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
listing_href = literature.find("a", {"class": "topictitle"}).get("href")
nm = len(topic)
return organizeTopics(

+ 3
- 3
Forums/Altenens/ View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def altenens_listing_parser(soup):
href = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
# Listing and Description pages)
addDate = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_user = [] # 8 all user avatars used in each topic
image_author = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
board = soup.find('h1', {"class": "p-title-value"}).text
board = cleanString(board.strip())
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def altenens_listing_parser(soup):
author_icon = author_icon.split('base64,')[-1]
author_icon = "-1"
link = itopic.find('div', {"class": "structItem-title"}).find('a').get('href')
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ def altenens_listing_parser(soup):
nviews = nviews.replace('K', '000')
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate, image_user)
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate, image_author)
def altenens_links_parser(soup):

+ 3
- 3
Forums/Cardingleaks/ View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def cardingleaks_listing_parser(soup: Tag):
href = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
# Listing and Description pages)
addDate = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_user = [] # 8 all user avatars used in each topic
image_author = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
# Finding the board (should be just one)
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def cardingleaks_listing_parser(soup: Tag):
author_icon = thread.find("a", {"class": "avatar avatar--s"}).find("img")
author_icon = author_icon.get('src')
author_icon = author_icon.split('base64,')[-1]
thread_view = thread.find("dl", {"class": "pairs pairs--justified structItem-minor"}).find("dd").text
# Context text view count (i.e., 8.8K) to numerical (i.e., 8800)
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def cardingleaks_listing_parser(soup: Tag):
datetime_obj = datetime.strptime(thread_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate, image_user)
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate, image_author)
def cardingleaks_links_parser(soup):

+ 3
- 3
Forums/CryptBB/ View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def cryptBB_listing_parser(soup):
href = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
# Listing and Description pages)
addDate = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_user = [] # 8 all user avatars used in each topic
image_author = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
# Finding the board (should be just one)
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def cryptBB_listing_parser(soup):
topics = re.sub("\[\w*\]", '', topics)
# Counting how many topics we have found so far
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ def cryptBB_listing_parser(soup):
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate, image_user)
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate, image_author)
def cryptBB_links_parser(soup):

+ 8
- 5
Forums/DB_Connection/ View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ __author__ = 'DarkWeb'
import psycopg2
import traceback
from Forums.Utilities.utilities import *
def connectDataBase():
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ def verifyForum(cur, nameForum):
cur.execute("lock table forums IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;")
cur.execute("lock table forums IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
cur.execute("select forum_id from forums where name_forum = %(nameForum)s limit 1", {'nameForum': nameForum})
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ def verifyTopic(cur, forumId, authorId, titleTopic):
cur.execute("lock table topics IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;")
cur.execute("lock table topics IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
cur.execute("select topic_id from topics where forum_id = %(forumId)s and author_id = %(authorId)s and title_topic = %(titleTopic)s limit 1",
{'forumId': forumId, 'authorId': authorId, 'titleTopic': titleTopic})
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ def verifyPost(cur, topicId, userId, dateAdded):
cur.execute("lock table posts IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;")
cur.execute("lock table posts IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
cur.execute("select post_id from posts where topic_id = %(topicId)s and "
"user_id = %(userId)s and dateadded_post = %(dateAdded)s limit 1", {'topicId': topicId,
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ def verifyUser(cur, nameUser, forumId):
cur.execute("lock table users IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE;")
cur.execute("lock table users IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
cur.execute("select user_id from users where name_user = %(nameUser)s and forum_id = %(forumId)s limit 1",
{'nameUser': nameUser, 'forumId': forumId})
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ def create_user(cur, row, forumId, index):
recset = cur.fetchall()
# decode_decrypt_image_in_base64(recset[0][7])
if (str(recset[0]['status_user']) != str(row[11][index] if row[11][index] != '-1' else None) or
str(recset[0]['reputation_user']) != str(row[12][index] if row[12][index] != '-1' else None) or
@ -459,6 +460,8 @@ def create_posts(cur, row, forumId, topicId):
str(recset[0]['feedback_post']) != str(row[16][i] if row[16][i] != '-1' else None) or
str(recset[0]['image_post']) != str(row[18][i] if row[18][i] != '-1' else None)): # there was a change in the post information
postVersionId = int(getLastPostVersion(cur, postId) + 1)
sql = "Insert into posts_history (post_id, version_post, topic_id, user_id, content_post, feedback_post, " \

+ 5
- 5
Forums/HiddenAnswers/ View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, ResultSet, Tag
# This is the method to parse the Description Pages (one page to each topic in the Listing Pages)
def HiddenAnswers_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
def hiddenAnswers_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
# Fields to be parsed
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ def HiddenAnswers_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
return row
def HiddenAnswers_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
def hiddenAnswers_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
nm: int = 0 # this variable should receive the number of topics
forum: str = "HiddenAnswers" # 0 *forum name
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def HiddenAnswers_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
href: List[str] = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the merge between
# Listing and Description pages)
addDate: List[str] = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_user = [] # 8 all user avatars used in each topic
image_author = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
# Finding the board
literature = soup.find("div", {"class": "qa-main-heading"}).find("h1")
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def HiddenAnswers_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
topic_of_query = queries.find("div", {"class": "qa-q-item-title"}).find("a").text
author = queries.find("span", {"class": "qa-q-item-who-data"}).find("a").text
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def HiddenAnswers_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
nm = len(topic)
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, user, topic, view, post, href, addDate, image_user)
return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, user, topic, view, post, href, addDate, image_author)
#need to change this method
def hiddenanswers_links_parser(soup):

+ 43
- 20
Forums/Libre/ View File

@ -14,15 +14,17 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, ResultSet, Tag
def libre_description_parser(soup: Tag):
# Fields to be parsed
topic = "-1" # 0 *topic name
user = [] # 1 *all users of each post
status = [] # 2 all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputation = [] # 3 all user's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
interest = [] # 4 all user's interest in each post
sign = [] # 5 all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
post = [] # 6 all messages of each post
feedback = [] # 7 all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
addDate = [] # 8 all dates of each post
topic = "-1" # 0 *topic name
user = [] # 1 *all users of each post
status = [] # 2 all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputation = [] # 3 all user's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
interest = [] # 4 all user's interest in each post
sign = [] # 5 all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
post = [] # 6 all messages of each post
feedback = [] # 7 all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
addDate = [] # 8 all dates of each post
image_user = [] # 9 all user avatars of each post
image_post = [] # 10 all first images of each post
# Finding the topic (should be just one coming from the Listing Page)
@ -52,6 +54,15 @@ def libre_description_parser(soup: Tag):
img = original_post.find('img')
if img is not None:
img = img.get('src').split('base64,')[-1]
img = "-1"
# Finding the repeated tag that corresponds to the listing of posts
# try:
@ -100,6 +111,14 @@ def libre_description_parser(soup: Tag):
# As no information about post's image was found, just assign "-1" to the variable
# As no information about user's image was found, just assign "-1" to the variable
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
# print(topic)
# print(user)
@ -118,7 +137,7 @@ def libre_description_parser(soup: Tag):
# print(len(feedback))
# print(len(addDate))
row = (topic, user, status, reputation, interest, sign, post, feedback, addDate)
row = (topic, user, status, reputation, interest, sign, post, feedback, addDate, image_user, image_post)
# Sending the results
@ -127,17 +146,18 @@ def libre_description_parser(soup: Tag):
# This is the method to parse the Listing Pages (one page with many posts)
def libre_listing_parser(soup):
nm = 0 # *this variable should receive the number of topics
forum = "Libre" # 0 *forum name
board = "-1" # 1 *board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
nm = 0 # *this variable should receive the number of topics
forum = "Libre" # 0 *forum name
board = "-1" # 1 *board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
# For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware)
author = [] # 2 *all authors of each topic
topic = [] # 3 *all topics
views = [] # 4 number of views of each topic
posts = [] # 5 number of posts of each topic
href = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
author = [] # 2 *all authors of each topic
topic = [] # 3 *all topics
views = [] # 4 number of views of each topic
posts = [] # 5 number of posts of each topic
href = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
# Listing and Description pages)
addDate = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
addDate = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_author = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
# Finding the board (should be just one)
@ -159,6 +179,8 @@ def libre_listing_parser(soup):
cleaned_topic_string = cleanString(topic_string.strip())
# Adding the url to the list of urls
link_to_clean = itopic.find("a", {"class": "link text-xl text-zinc-300"}).get("href")
@ -209,7 +231,8 @@ def libre_listing_parser(soup):

+ 44
- 26
Forums/OnniForums/ View File

@ -15,15 +15,17 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def onniForums_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> tuple:
topicName: str = "-1" # 0 *topic name
users : List[str] = [] # 1 *all users of each post
statuses : List[str] = [] # 2 all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputations : List[str] = [] # 3 all user's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
interests : List[str] = [] # 4 all user's interest in each post
signs : List[str] = [] # 5 all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
posts : List[str] = [] # 6 all messages of each post
feedbacks : List[str] = [] # 7 all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
topicName: str = "-1" # 0 *topic name
users : List[str] = [] # 1 *all users of each post
statuses : List[str] = [] # 2 all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputations : List[str] = [] # 3 all user's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
interests : List[str] = [] # 4 all user's interest in each post
signs : List[str] = [] # 5 all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
posts : List[str] = [] # 6 all messages of each post
feedbacks : List[str] = [] # 7 all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
addDates : List[datetime] = [] # 8 all dates of each post
image_user : List[str] = [] # 9 all user avatars of each post
image_post : List[str] = [] # 10 all first images of each post
# Getting the topicName
topicName = soup.find("table", {"class": "tborder tfixed clear"}) \
@ -99,14 +101,21 @@ def onniForums_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> tuple:
date_object = datetime.strptime(date_posted_cleaned, "%m-%d-%Y")
img = topic.find('div', {"class": "author_avatar"}).find('img')
if img is not None:
img = img.get('src').split('base64,')[-1]
img = "-1"
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
row = (topicName, users, statuses, reputations, interests, signs, posts, feedbacks, addDates)
row = (topicName, users, statuses, reputations, interests, signs, posts, feedbacks, addDates, image_user, image_post)
# Sending the results
@ -115,18 +124,18 @@ def onniForums_description_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup) -> tuple:
def onniForums_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
boardName = "-1" # board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
# For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware)
forum = "OnniForums"
nm = 0 # this variable should receive the number of topics
topic : List[str] = [] # all topics
user : List[str] = [] # all users of each topic
post : List[int] = [] # number of posts of each topic
view : List[int] = [] # number of views of each topic
addDate : List[str] = [] # when the topic was created (difficult to find)
href : List[str] = [] # this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the merge between
# Listing and Description pages)
nm = 0 # this variable should receive the number of topics
forum = "OnniForums" # 0 *forum name
boardName = "-1" # 1 board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
# For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware)
user: List[str] = [] # 2 all users of each topic
topic : List[str] = [] # 3 all topics
view: List[int] = [] # 4 number of views of each topic
post : List[int] = [] # 5 number of posts of each topic
href: List[str] = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the merge between Listing and Description pages)
addDate : List[str] = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_author : List[str] = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
# Finding the board (should be just one)
board_metadata: BeautifulSoup = soup.find("table",{"class" : "tborder clear"})
@ -149,8 +158,16 @@ def onniForums_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):
post_subject_cleaned = cleanString(post_subject.strip())
author_icon = thread.find('div', {"class": "lavatar-old lavatar-old-f"})
if author_icon != None:
author_icon = author_icon.find('img')
author_icon = author_icon.get('src')
author_icon = author_icon.split('base64,')[-1]
author_icon = "-1"
reply_count = thread.find_all("td", {"align": "center"})[2].text
@ -177,7 +194,8 @@ def onniForums_listing_parser(soup: BeautifulSoup):

+ 1
- 5
Forums/Procrax/ View File

@ -42,11 +42,7 @@ def startCrawling():
print(driver.current_url, e)
new_parse(forum=FORUM_NAME, url=BASE_URL, createLog=True)
# Login using premade account credentials and do login captcha manually

+ 63
- 26
Forums/Procrax/ View File

@ -16,15 +16,17 @@ def procrax_description_parser(soup: Tag):
# Fields to be parsed
topic = "-1" # topic name
user = [] # all users of each post
addDate = [] # all dated of each post
feedback = [] # all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
status = [] # all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputation = [] # all user's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
sign = [] # all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
post = [] # all messages of each post
interest = [] # all user's interest in each post
topic = "-1" # 0 topic name
user = [] # 1 all users of each post
addDate = [] # 2 all dated of each post
feedback = [] # 3 all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format)
status = [] # 4 all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous)
reputation = [] # 5 all user's karma in each post (usually found as a number)
sign = [] # 6 all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post)
post = [] # 7 all messages of each post
interest = [] # 8 all user's interest in each post
image_user = [] # 9 all user avatars of each post
image_post = [] # 10 all first images of each post
# Finding the topic (should be just one coming from the Listing Page)
@ -40,8 +42,7 @@ def procrax_description_parser(soup: Tag):
date_posted = ipost.find("ul", {"class": "message-attribution-main listInline"}).find("time").get("datetime")
datetime_obj = datetime.strptime(date_posted, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
user_status = ipost.find("h5", {"class": "userTitle message-userTitle"}).text
@ -57,11 +58,31 @@ def procrax_description_parser(soup: Tag):
bbWrapper = ipost.find('div', {"class": "bbWrapper"})
if bbWrapper is not None:
img = bbWrapper.find('img')
if img is not None:
img = img.get('src').split('base64,')[-1]
img = "-1"
img = "-1"
avatar = ipost.find("a", {"class": "avatar avatar--m"})
if avatar is not None:
img = avatar.find('img')
if img is not None:
img = img.get('src').split('base64,')[-1]
img = "-1"
img = "-1"
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
row = (topic, user, status, reputation, interest, sign, post, feedback, addDate)
row = (topic, user, status, reputation, interest, sign, post, feedback, addDate, image_user, image_post)
# Sending the results
@ -71,17 +92,19 @@ def procrax_description_parser(soup: Tag):
def procrax_listing_parser(soup: Tag):
board = "-1" # board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
# For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware)
nm = 0 # this variable should receive the number of topics
forum: str = "Procrax" # 0 *forum name
board = "-1" # 1 board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree.
# For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware)
nm = 0 # this variable should receive the number of topics
topic = [] # all topics
author = [] # all authors of each topic
views = [] # number of views of each topic
posts = [] # number of posts of each topic
addDate = [] # when the topic was created (difficult to find)
href = [] # this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
# Listing and Description pages)
author = [] # 2 all authors of each topic
topic = [] # 3 all topics
views = [] # 4 number of views of each topic
posts = [] # 5 number of posts of each topic
href = [] # 6this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between
# Listing and Description pages)
addDate = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find)
image_author = [] # 8 all author avatars used in each topic
# Finding the board (should be just one)
li = soup.find("h1", {"class": "p-title-value"})
@ -94,11 +117,24 @@ def procrax_listing_parser(soup: Tag):
for thread in threads_list:
thread_title = thread.find("div", {"class": "structItem-title"}).text
author_icon = thread.find('a', {"class": "avatar avatar--s"})
if author_icon != None:
author_icon = author_icon.find('img')
if author_icon != None:
author_icon = author_icon.get('src')
author_icon = author_icon.split('base64,')[-1]
author_icon = "-1"
author_icon = "-1"
thread_author = thread.get("data-author")
thread_views = thread.find("dl", {"class": "pairs pairs--justified structItem-minor"}).find('dd').text
thread_views = thread_views.lower().replace("k","000")
thread_replies = thread.find("dl", {"class": "pairs pairs--justified"}).find('dd').text
@ -115,7 +151,7 @@ def procrax_listing_parser(soup: Tag):
return organizeTopics(
@ -123,7 +159,8 @@ def procrax_listing_parser(soup: Tag):

+ 1
- 1
MarketPlaces/DB_Connection/ View File

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def create_vendor(cur, row, marketId):
recset = cur.fetchall()
# decode_decrypt_image_in_base64(recset[0][5])
if (str(recset[0]['rating_vendor']) != str(row[2] if row[2] != '-1' else None) or # there was a change in the vendor information
str(recset[0]['successfultransactions_vendor']) != str(row[3] if row[3] != '-1' else None) or
