diff --git a/MarketPlaces/AnonMarket/parser.py b/MarketPlaces/AnonMarket/parser.py
index c53283c..5b94e75 100644
--- a/MarketPlaces/AnonMarket/parser.py
+++ b/MarketPlaces/AnonMarket/parser.py
@@ -14,26 +14,27 @@ import re
 #return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page
 def AnonMarket_description_parser(soup):
-    # Fields to be parsed
-    vendor = "-1"  # 0 *Vendor_Name
-    success = "-1"  # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
-    rating_vendor = "-1"  # 2 Vendor_Rating
-    name = "-1"  # 3 *Product_Name
-    describe = "-1"  # 4 Product_Description
-    CVE = "-1"  # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) dont worry about that much
-    MS = "-1"  # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security) dont worry about that much
-    category = "-1"  # 7 Product_Category
-    views = "-1"  # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views
-    reviews = "-1"  # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
-    rating_item = "-1"  # 10 Product_Rating
-    addDate = "-1"  # 11 Product_AddedDate
-    BTC = "-1"  # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
-    USD = "-1"  # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice
-    EURO = "-1"  # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
-    sold = "-1"  # 15 Product_QuantitySold
-    left = "-1"  # 16 Product_QuantityLeft
-    shipFrom = "-1"  # 17 Product_ShippedFrom
-    shipTo = "-1"  # 18 Product_ShippedTo
+    vendor = "-1"                       # 0 *Vendor_Name
+    success = "-1"                      # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
+    rating_vendor = "-1"                # 2 Vendor_Rating
+    name = "-1"                         # 3 *Product_Name
+    describe = "-1"                     # 4 Product_Description
+    CVE = "-1"                          # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
+    MS = "-1"                           # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
+    category = "-1"                     # 7 Product_Category
+    views = "-1"                        # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views
+    reviews = "-1"                      # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
+    rating_item = "-1"                  # 10 Product_Rating
+    addDate = "-1"                      # 11 Product_AddedDate
+    BTC = "-1"                          # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
+    USD = "-1"                          # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice
+    EURO = "-1"                         # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
+    sold = "-1"                         # 15 Product_QuantitySold
+    left = "-1"                         # 16 Product_QuantityLeft
+    shipFrom = "-1"                     # 17 Product_ShippedFrom
+    shipTo = "-1"                       # 18 Product_ShippedTo
+    image = "-1"                        # 19 Product_Image
+    vendor_image = "-1"                 # 20 Vendor_Image
     name_of_product = soup.find("div", {"class": "heading"}).text
     name = cleanString(name_of_product.strip())
@@ -44,6 +45,11 @@ def AnonMarket_description_parser(soup):
         describe = cleanString(description_div.text.strip())
+    # Finding Product Image
+    image = soup.find('div', {'class': 'thumbnails'}).find('img')
+    image = image.get('src')
+    image = image.split('base64,')[-1]
     info_div = soup.find('div', {'class': 'information'})
     table = info_div.find('table') if info_div else None
@@ -70,7 +76,7 @@ def AnonMarket_description_parser(soup):
     # Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped)
     row = (vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, describe, CVE, MS, category, views, reviews, rating_item, addDate,
-           BTC, USD, EURO, sold, left, shipFrom, shipTo)
+           BTC, USD, EURO, sold, left, shipFrom, shipTo, image, vendor_image)
     # Sending the results
@@ -84,28 +90,31 @@ def AnonMarket_description_parser(soup):
 def AnonMarket_listing_parser(soup):
     # Fields to be parsed
-    nm = 0  # *Total_Products (Should be Integer)
-    mktName = "AnonMarket"  # 0 *Marketplace_Name
-    vendor = []  # 1 *Vendor y
-    rating_vendor = []  # 2 Vendor_Rating
-    success = []  # 3 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
-    name = []  # 4 *Product_Name y
-    CVE = []  # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
-    MS = []  # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
-    category = []  # 7 Product_Category y
-    describe = []  # 8 Product_Description
-    views = []  # 9 Product_Number_Of_Views
-    reviews = []  # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
-    rating_item = []  # 11 Product_Rating
-    addDate = []  # 12 Product_AddDate
-    BTC = []  # 13 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
-    USD = []  # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice y
-    EURO = []  # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
-    sold = []  # 16 Product_QuantitySold
-    qLeft = []  # 17 Product_QuantityLeft
-    shipFrom = []  # 18 Product_ShippedFrom
-    shipTo = []  # 19 Product_ShippedTo
-    href = []  # 20 Product_Links
+    nm = 0                                    # *Total_Products (Should be Integer)
+    mktName = "AnonMarket"                    # 0 *Marketplace_Name
+    vendor = []                               # 1 *Vendor y
+    rating_vendor = []                        # 2 Vendor_Rating
+    success = []                              # 3 Vendor_Successful_Transactions
+    name = []                                 # 4 *Product_Name y
+    CVE = []                                  # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)
+    MS = []                                   # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security)
+    category = []                             # 7 Product_Category y
+    describe = []                             # 8 Product_Description
+    views = []                                # 9 Product_Number_Of_Views
+    reviews = []                              # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews
+    rating_item = []                          # 11 Product_Rating
+    addDate = []                              # 12 Product_AddDate
+    BTC = []                                  # 13 Product_BTC_SellingPrice
+    USD = []                                  # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice y
+    EURO = []                                 # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice
+    sold = []                                 # 16 Product_QuantitySold
+    qLeft =[]                                 # 17 Product_QuantityLeft
+    shipFrom = []                             # 18 Product_ShippedFrom
+    shipTo = []                               # 19 Product_ShippedTo
+    image = []                                # 20 Product_Image
+    image_vendor = []                         # 21 Vendor_Image
+    href = []                                 # 22 Product_Links
     base_url = "http://2r7wa5og3ly4umqhmmqqytae6bufl5ql5kz7sorndpqtrkc2ri7tohad.onion"
     products_list = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'item'})
@@ -147,6 +156,8 @@ def AnonMarket_listing_parser(soup):
+            image.append("-1")
+            image_vendor.append("-1")
             nm += 1
@@ -177,7 +188,9 @@ def AnonMarket_listing_parser(soup):
         qLeft = qLeft,
         shipFrom = shipFrom,
         shipTo = shipTo,
-        href = href
+        href = href,
+        image = image,
+        image_vendor = image_vendor
diff --git a/MarketPlaces/DB_Connection/db_connection.py b/MarketPlaces/DB_Connection/db_connection.py
index eb4d996..48cbc4d 100644
--- a/MarketPlaces/DB_Connection/db_connection.py
+++ b/MarketPlaces/DB_Connection/db_connection.py
@@ -119,6 +119,24 @@ def getLastVendor(cur):
         trace = traceback.format_exc()
         print (trace)
+def getLastVendorVersion(cur, vendorId):
+    try:
+        cur.execute("select version_vendor from vendors_history where vendor_id = %(vendorId)s order by version_vendor desc limit 1", {'vendorId': vendorId})
+        recset = cur.fetchall()
+        if recset:
+            return recset[0][0]
+        else:
+            return 0
+    except:
+        trace = traceback.format_exc()
+        print (trace)
 def getLastItem(cur):
@@ -137,6 +155,25 @@ def getLastItem(cur):
         trace = traceback.format_exc()
         print (trace)
+def getLastItemVersion(cur, itemId):
+    try:
+        cur.execute("select version_item from items_history where item_id = %(itemId)s order by version_item desc limit 1",
+                    {'itemId': itemId})
+        recset = cur.fetchall()
+        if recset:
+            return recset[0][0]
+        else:
+            return 0
+    except:
+        trace = traceback.format_exc()
+        print(trace)
 def create_marketPlace(cur, row, url):
     marketId = verifyMarketPlace(cur, row[0])
@@ -192,10 +229,13 @@ def create_vendor(cur, row, marketId):
             str(recset[0][4]) != str(row[3] if row[3] != '-1' else None) or
             str(recset[0][5]) != str(row[21] if row[21] != '-1' else None)):
-            sql = "Insert into vendors_history (vendor_id, market_id, name_vendor, rating_vendor, successfultransactions_vendor, image_vendor, dateinserted_vendor) " \
-                  "Values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
+            vendorVersionId = int(getLastVendorVersion(cur, vendorId) + 1)
+            sql = "Insert into vendors_history (vendor_id, version_vendor, market_id, name_vendor, rating_vendor, " \
+                  "successfultransactions_vendor, image_vendor, dateinserted_vendor) " \
+                  "Values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
-            recset = [vendorId, marketId,
+            recset = [vendorId, vendorVersionId, marketId,
@@ -277,13 +317,15 @@ def create_items(cur, row, marketId, vendorId):
                 str(recset[0][16]) != str(row[17] if row[17] != '-1' else None) or str(recset[0][17]) != str(row[18] if row[18] != '-1' else None) or
                 str(recset[0][18]) != str(row[19] if row[19] != '-1' else None) or str(recset[0][20]) != str(row[20] if row[20] != '-1' else None)):
-               sql = "Insert into items_history (item_id, market_id, vendor_id, name_item, description_item, cve_item, ms_item, category_item, " \
+                itemVersionId = int(getLastItemVersion(cur, itemId) + 1)
+                sql = "Insert into items_history (item_id, version_item, market_id, vendor_id, name_item, description_item, cve_item, ms_item, category_item, " \
                       "views_item, reviews_item, rating_item, dateadded_item, btc_item, usd_item, euro_item, quantitysold_item, " \
                       "quantityleft_item, shippedfrom_item, shippedto_item, lastseen_item, image_item, href_item, dateinserted_item, " \
                       "classification_item) Values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, " \
-                      "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
+                      "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
-               recset = [itemId, marketId, vendorId,
+                recset = [itemId, itemVersionId, marketId, vendorId,
@@ -306,16 +348,16 @@ def create_items(cur, row, marketId, vendorId):
-               cur.execute(sql, recset)
+                cur.execute(sql, recset)
-               sql = "Update items set description_item = %(description_item)s, cve_item = %(cve_item)s, ms_item = %(ms_item)s, " \
-                     "category_item = %(category_item)s, views_item = %(views_item)s, reviews_item = %(reviews_item)s, " \
-                     "rating_item = %(rating_item)s, dateadded_item = %(dateadded_item)s, btc_item = %(btc_item)s, " \
-                     "usd_item = %(usd_item)s, euro_item = %(euro_item)s, quantitysold_item = %(quantitysold_item)s, " \
-                     "quantityleft_item = %(quantityleft_item)s, shippedfrom_item = %(shippedfrom_item)s, shippedto_item = %(shippedto_item)s, " \
-                     "lastseen_item = %(lastseen_item)s, image_item = %(image_item)s, dateinserted_item = %(dateinserted_item)s where item_id = %(itemId)s"
+                sql = "Update items set description_item = %(description_item)s, cve_item = %(cve_item)s, ms_item = %(ms_item)s, " \
+                      "category_item = %(category_item)s, views_item = %(views_item)s, reviews_item = %(reviews_item)s, " \
+                      "rating_item = %(rating_item)s, dateadded_item = %(dateadded_item)s, btc_item = %(btc_item)s, " \
+                      "usd_item = %(usd_item)s, euro_item = %(euro_item)s, quantitysold_item = %(quantitysold_item)s, " \
+                      "quantityleft_item = %(quantityleft_item)s, shippedfrom_item = %(shippedfrom_item)s, shippedto_item = %(shippedto_item)s, " \
+                      "lastseen_item = %(lastseen_item)s, image_item = %(image_item)s, dateinserted_item = %(dateinserted_item)s where item_id = %(itemId)s"
-               cur.execute(sql, {'description_item': row[5] if row[5] != '-1' else None,
+                cur.execute(sql, {'description_item': row[5] if row[5] != '-1' else None,
                                  'cve_item': row[6] if row[6] != '-1' else None,
                                  'ms_item': row[7] if row[7] != '-1' else None,
                                  'category_item': row[8] if row[8] != '-1' else None,
@@ -338,10 +380,10 @@ def create_items(cur, row, marketId, vendorId):
             else: #updating when was the last time the crawler saw that item
-               sql = "Update items set lastseen_item = %(lastseen_item)s where item_id = %(itemId)s"
+                sql = "Update items set lastseen_item = %(lastseen_item)s where item_id = %(itemId)s"
-               cur.execute(sql, {'lastseen_item': row[23],
-                                 'itemId': itemId})
+                cur.execute(sql, {'lastseen_item': row[23],
+                                  'itemId': itemId})
     return itemId
@@ -367,10 +409,10 @@ def create_database(cur, con):
         sql = "create unique index unique_vendor ON vendors USING btree (market_id ASC NULLS LAST, name_vendor ASC NULLS LAST)"
-        sql = "create table vendors_history(vendor_id integer not null, market_id integer not null, name_vendor " \
+        sql = "create table vendors_history(vendor_id integer not null, version_vendor integer not null, market_id integer not null, name_vendor " \
               "character varying(255) not null, rating_vendor character varying(255), successfultransactions_vendor " \
               "integer null, image_vendor character varying(1000000) null, dateinserted_vendor timestamp(6) with time zone not null, " \
-              "constraint vendors_history_pk primary key (vendor_id, dateinserted_vendor), constraint vendors_history_vendor_id_fkey foreign key (" \
+              "constraint vendors_history_pk primary key (vendor_id, version_vendor), constraint vendors_history_vendor_id_fkey foreign key (" \
               "vendor_id) references vendors (vendor_id), constraint vendors_history_market_id_fkey foreign key (" \
               "market_id) references marketplaces (market_id))"
@@ -392,16 +434,16 @@ def create_database(cur, con):
         sql = "create unique index unique_item ON items USING btree (market_id ASC NULLS LAST, vendor_id ASC NULLS LAST, name_item ASC NULLS LAST)"
-        sql = "create table items_history(item_id integer not null, market_id integer not null, vendor_id integer not null, name_item character " \
-              "varying(255) not null, description_item character varying(1000000) null, cve_item character varying(" \
-              "255) null, ms_item character varying(255) null, category_item character varying(255) null, views_item " \
+        sql = "create table items_history(item_id integer not null, version_item integer not null, market_id integer not null, " \
+              "vendor_id integer not null, name_item character varying(255) not null, description_item character varying(1000000) null, " \
+              "cve_item character varying(255) null, ms_item character varying(255) null, category_item character varying(255) null, views_item " \
               "integer null, reviews_item integer null, rating_item character varying(255) null, dateadded_item " \
               "character varying(25) null, btc_item character varying(255) null, usd_item character varying(255) " \
               "null, euro_item character varying(255) null, quantitysold_item integer null, quantityleft_item " \
               "character varying(255) null, shippedfrom_item character varying(255) null, shippedto_item character " \
               "varying(255) null, lastseen_item timestamp(6) with time zone not null, image_item character varying(1000000) null, " \
               "href_item character varying(255) not null, dateinserted_item timestamp(6) with time zone not null, " \
-              "classification_item double precision not null, constraint items_history_pk primary key (item_id, dateinserted_item), " \
+              "classification_item double precision not null, constraint items_history_pk primary key (item_id, version_item), " \
               "constraint items_history_market_id_fkey foreign key (market_id) references marketplaces (market_id), " \
               "constraint items_history_vendor_id_fkey foreign key (vendor_id) references vendors (vendor_id), " \
               "constraint items_history_item_id_fkey foreign key (item_id) references items (item_id))"