pull request from Van See merge request dw9372422/dw_pipeline_test!7main
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ | |||||
__author__ = 'DarkWeb' | |||||
''' | |||||
Go Fish market Crawler (Selenium) | |||||
- this is a new marketplace and was up for only a few days, crawler has not been finished | |||||
''' | |||||
from selenium import webdriver | |||||
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By | |||||
from PIL import Image | |||||
import urllib.parse as urlparse | |||||
import os, re, time | |||||
from datetime import date | |||||
import subprocess | |||||
import configparser | |||||
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.prepare_parser import new_parse | |||||
from MarketPlaces.GoFish.parser import gofish_links_parser | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import cleanHTML | |||||
counter = 1 | |||||
baseURL = 'http://gofishbybookb4a2kvviuygmwjqfxx7nqsovweogs2cxvqvexhe7edyd.onion/' | |||||
# Opens Tor Browser, crawls the website, then parses, then closes tor | |||||
#acts like the main method for the crawler, another function at the end of this code calls this function later | |||||
def startCrawling(): | |||||
# opentor() | |||||
mktName = getMKTName() | |||||
driver = getAccess() | |||||
if driver != 'down': | |||||
try: | |||||
login(driver) | |||||
crawlForum(driver) | |||||
except Exception as e: | |||||
print(driver.current_url, e) | |||||
closetor(driver) | |||||
new_parse(mktName, baseURL, True) | |||||
# Opens Tor Browser | |||||
#prompts for ENTER input to continue | |||||
def opentor(): | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config | |||||
global pid | |||||
print("Connecting Tor...") | |||||
pro = subprocess.Popen(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_binary_path')) | |||||
pid = pro.pid | |||||
time.sleep(7.5) | |||||
input('Tor Connected. Press ENTER to continue\n') | |||||
return | |||||
# Returns the name of the website | |||||
#return: name of site in string type | |||||
def getMKTName(): | |||||
name = 'GoFish' | |||||
return name | |||||
# Return the base link of the website | |||||
#return: url of base site in string type | |||||
def getFixedURL(): | |||||
url = 'http://gofishbybookb4a2kvviuygmwjqfxx7nqsovweogs2cxvqvexhe7edyd.onion/' | |||||
return url | |||||
# Closes Tor Browser | |||||
#@param: current selenium driver | |||||
def closetor(driver): | |||||
# global pid | |||||
# os.system("taskkill /pid " + str(pro.pid)) | |||||
# os.system("taskkill /t /f /im tor.exe") | |||||
print('Closing Tor...') | |||||
driver.close() | |||||
time.sleep(3) | |||||
return | |||||
# Creates FireFox 'driver' and configure its 'Profile' | |||||
# to use Tor proxy and socket | |||||
def createFFDriver(): | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config | |||||
ff_binary = FirefoxBinary(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_binary_path')) | |||||
ff_prof = FirefoxProfile(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_profile_path')) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("places.history.enabled", False) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.passwords", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.siteSettings", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("signon.rememberSignons", False) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 2) | |||||
# ff_prof.set_preference("network.dns.disablePrefetch", True) | |||||
# ff_prof.set_preference("network.http.sendRefererHeader", 0) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("permissions.default.image", 1) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("browser.download.folderList", 2) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", False) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "text/plain") | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.type', 1) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("network.proxy.socks_version", 5) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks', '') | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_port', 9150) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_remote_dns', True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("javascript.enabled", False) | |||||
ff_prof.update_preferences() | |||||
service = Service(config.get('TOR', 'geckodriver_path')) | |||||
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=ff_binary, firefox_profile=ff_prof, service=service) | |||||
# driver.maximize_window() | |||||
return driver | |||||
#the driver 'gets' the url, attempting to get on the site, if it can't access return 'down' | |||||
#return: return the selenium driver or string 'down' | |||||
def getAccess(): | |||||
url = getFixedURL() | |||||
driver = createFFDriver() | |||||
try: | |||||
driver.get(url) | |||||
return driver | |||||
except: | |||||
driver.close() | |||||
return 'down' | |||||
# Manual captcha solver, waits fora specific element so that the whole page loads, finds the input box, gets screenshot of captcha | |||||
# then allows for manual solving of captcha in the terminal | |||||
#@param: current selenium web driver | |||||
def login(driver): | |||||
input("Press ENTER when CAPTCHA is completed\n") | |||||
# wait for page to show up (This Xpath may need to change based on different seed url) | |||||
WebDriverWait(driver, 100).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located( | |||||
(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="username"]'))) | |||||
# entering username and password into input boxes | |||||
usernameBox = driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value='//*[@id="username"]') | |||||
# Username here | |||||
usernameBox.send_keys('itsmedio') | |||||
passwordBox = driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value='//*[@id="password"]') | |||||
# Password here | |||||
passwordBox.send_keys('DementedBed123-') | |||||
input("Press ENTER when CAPTCHA and exit pressed is completed\n") | |||||
# wait for listing page show up (This Xpath may need to change based on different seed url) | |||||
WebDriverWait(driver, 100).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located( | |||||
(By.XPATH, "/html/body/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/div[1]/a/img"))) | |||||
# Saves the crawled html page, makes the directory path for html pages if not made | |||||
def savePage(driver, page, url): | |||||
cleanPage = cleanHTML(driver, page) | |||||
filePath = getFullPathName(url) | |||||
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filePath), exist_ok=True) | |||||
open(filePath, 'wb').write(cleanPage.encode('utf-8')) | |||||
return | |||||
# Gets the full path of the page to be saved along with its appropriate file name | |||||
#@param: raw url as crawler crawls through every site | |||||
def getFullPathName(url): | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config, CURRENT_DATE | |||||
mainDir = os.path.join(config.get('Project', 'shared_folder'), "MarketPlaces/" + getMKTName() + "/HTML_Pages") | |||||
fileName = getNameFromURL(url) | |||||
if isDescriptionLink(url): | |||||
fullPath = os.path.join(mainDir, CURRENT_DATE + r'\\Description\\' + fileName + '.html') | |||||
else: | |||||
fullPath = os.path.join(mainDir, CURRENT_DATE + r'\\Listing\\' + fileName + '.html') | |||||
return fullPath | |||||
# Creates the file name from passed URL, gives distinct name if can't be made unique after cleaned | |||||
#@param: raw url as crawler crawls through every site | |||||
def getNameFromURL(url): | |||||
global counter | |||||
name = ''.join(e for e in url if e.isalnum()) | |||||
if (name == ''): | |||||
name = str(counter) | |||||
counter = counter + 1 | |||||
return name | |||||
# returns list of urls, here is where you can list the different urls of interest, the crawler runs through this list | |||||
#in this example, there are a couple of categories some threads fall under such as | |||||
# Guides and Tutorials, Digital Products, and Software and Malware | |||||
#as you can see they are categories of products | |||||
def getInterestedLinks(): | |||||
links = [] | |||||
# Hacking | |||||
links.append('http://gofishbybookb4a2kvviuygmwjqfxx7nqsovweogs2cxvqvexhe7edyd.onion/?c=129') | |||||
# Malware | |||||
links.append('http://gofishbybookb4a2kvviuygmwjqfxx7nqsovweogs2cxvqvexhe7edyd.onion/?c=97') | |||||
# Exploits | |||||
links.append('http://gofishbybookb4a2kvviuygmwjqfxx7nqsovweogs2cxvqvexhe7edyd.onion/?c=107') | |||||
return links | |||||
# gets links of interest to crawl through, iterates through list, where each link is clicked and crawled through | |||||
#topic and description pages are crawled through here, where both types of pages are saved | |||||
#@param: selenium driver | |||||
def crawlForum(driver): | |||||
print("Crawling the GoFish market") | |||||
linksToCrawl = getInterestedLinks() | |||||
i = 0 | |||||
while i < len(linksToCrawl): | |||||
link = linksToCrawl[i] | |||||
print('Crawling :', link) | |||||
try: | |||||
has_next_page = True | |||||
count = 0 | |||||
while has_next_page: | |||||
try: | |||||
driver.get(link) | |||||
except: | |||||
driver.refresh() | |||||
html = driver.page_source | |||||
savePage(driver, html, link) | |||||
list = productPages(html) | |||||
for item in list: | |||||
itemURL = urlparse.urljoin(baseURL, str(item)) | |||||
try: | |||||
driver.get(itemURL) | |||||
except: | |||||
driver.refresh() | |||||
savePage(driver, driver.page_source, item) | |||||
time.sleep(3) | |||||
driver.back() | |||||
# comment out | |||||
break | |||||
# comment out | |||||
if count == 1: | |||||
break | |||||
try: | |||||
link = driver.find_element(by=By.LINK_TEXT, value='Next ›').get_attribute('href') | |||||
if link == "": | |||||
raise NoSuchElementException | |||||
count += 1 | |||||
except NoSuchElementException: | |||||
has_next_page = False | |||||
except Exception as e: | |||||
print(link, e) | |||||
i += 1 | |||||
print("Crawling the GoFishMarket done.") | |||||
# Returns 'True' if the link is a description link | |||||
#@param: url of any url crawled | |||||
#return: true if is a description page, false if not | |||||
def isDescriptionLink(url): | |||||
if 'c' in url: | |||||
return True | |||||
return False | |||||
# Returns True if the link is a listingPage link | |||||
#@param: url of any url crawled | |||||
#return: true if is a Listing page, false if not | |||||
def isListingLink(url): | |||||
if 'a' in url: | |||||
return True | |||||
return False | |||||
# calling the parser to define the links, the html is the url of a link from the list of interested link list | |||||
#@param: link from interested link list ie. getInterestingLinks() | |||||
#return: list of description links that should be crawled through | |||||
def productPages(html): | |||||
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") | |||||
return gofish_links_parser(soup) | |||||
def crawler(): | |||||
startCrawling() | |||||
# print("Crawling and Parsing BestCardingWorld .... DONE!") |
@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ | |||||
__author__ = 'DarkWeb' | |||||
# Here, we are importing the auxiliary functions to clean or convert data | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import * | |||||
# Here, we are importing BeautifulSoup to search through the HTML tree | |||||
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |||||
#parses description pages, so takes html pages of description pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs | |||||
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized | |||||
#@param: soup object looking at html page of description page | |||||
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page | |||||
def gofish_description_parser(soup): | |||||
# Fields to be parsed | |||||
vendor = "-1" # 0 *Vendor_Name | |||||
success = "-1" # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions | |||||
rating_vendor = "-1" # 2 Vendor_Rating | |||||
name = "-1" # 3 *Product_Name | |||||
describe = "-1" # 4 Product_Description | |||||
CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) dont worry about that much | |||||
MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security) dont worry about that much | |||||
category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category | |||||
views = "-1" # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views | |||||
reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate | |||||
BTC = "-1" # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice | |||||
USD = "-1" # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice | |||||
EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
sold = "-1" # 15 Product_QuantitySold | |||||
left = "-1" # 16 Product_QuantityLeft | |||||
shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
#vendor name | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class': 'box rounded mb-0'}).find('a').text | |||||
vendor = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
vendor = "-1" | |||||
#successful transaction | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('div', {'class','text-center text-truncate column-flex ml-1 mr-1'}) #card sidebar-menu mb-4 card sidebar-menu mb-4 | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].findAll('span', {'class', 'float-right font-weight-bold'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
success = (temp.strip()) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("success") | |||||
#vendor rating 5 | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('div', {'class', 'text-center text-truncate column-flex ml-1 mr-1'}) # card sidebar-menu mb-4 card sidebar-menu mb-4 | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].findAll('span', {'class', 'float-right font-weight-bold'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[5].text | |||||
rating_vendor = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("product") | |||||
# product name | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('h3', {'class', 'h3 rounded card-title'}).find('span').text | |||||
name = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
temp = soup.find('h3', {'class', 'h3 rounded card-title'}).find('span').find("div").text | |||||
name = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
# product description | |||||
describe = soup.find('div', {'class': "box rounded flex-fill"}).find('pre').text | |||||
if "\n" in describe: | |||||
describe = describe.replace("\n", " ") | |||||
describe = describe.replace("\r", " ") | |||||
describe = cleanString(describe.strip()) | |||||
CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) dont worry about that much | |||||
MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security) dont worry about that much | |||||
# product category | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].find('tr').findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
category = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
except: | |||||
temp = soup.find('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.find('tbody').find('tr').findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
category = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
# product number of view | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box rounded mb-0'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('i') | |||||
temp = temp2[2].text | |||||
views = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print('Product number of view') | |||||
reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate | |||||
#BTC selling price box box-rounded mt-2 | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded mt-2'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('i', {'class', 'float-right color-prices'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
BTC = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('span', {'class', 'float-right color-prices'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
BTC = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("BTC") | |||||
# USD selling price | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded mt-2'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('center') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].find('i').text | |||||
if "$" in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("$", "") | |||||
USD = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('center') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].find('span').text | |||||
if "$" in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("$", "") | |||||
USD = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("USD") | |||||
EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
# product sold | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box rounded mb-0'}) # card sidebar-menu mb-4 card sidebar-menu mb-4 | |||||
temp2 = temp.find('i') | |||||
temp = temp2.text | |||||
sold = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
# sold = "-1" | |||||
except: | |||||
print("product sold") | |||||
# product quantatiy left ###ERRROR | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].findAll('tr') | |||||
temp3 = temp2[1].findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp3[1].text | |||||
left = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
except: | |||||
temp = soup.find('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('tr') | |||||
temp3 = temp2[1].findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp3[1].text | |||||
left = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
# Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped) | |||||
row = (vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, describe, CVE, MS, category, views, reviews, rating_item, addDate, | |||||
BTC, USD, EURO, sold, left, shipFrom, shipTo) | |||||
# Sending the results | |||||
return row | |||||
#parses listing pages, so takes html pages of listing pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs | |||||
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized | |||||
#@param: soup object looking at html page of listing page | |||||
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the listing page | |||||
def gofish_listing_parser(soup): | |||||
# Fields to be parsed | |||||
nm = 0 # *Total_Products (Should be Integer) | |||||
mktName = "GoFish" # 0 *Marketplace_Name | |||||
vendor = [] # 1 *Vendor y | |||||
rating_vendor = [] # 2 Vendor_Rating | |||||
success = [] # 3 Vendor_Successful_Transactions | |||||
name = [] # 4 *Product_Name y | |||||
CVE = [] # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) dont worry about this | |||||
MS = [] # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security) dont worry about this | |||||
category = [] # 7 Product_Category y | |||||
describe = [] # 8 Product_Description | |||||
views = [] # 9 Product_Number_Of_Views | |||||
reviews = [] # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item = [] # 11 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate = [] # 12 Product_AddDate | |||||
BTC = [] # 13 Product_BTC_SellingPrice | |||||
USD = [] # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice y | |||||
EURO = [] # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
sold = [] # 16 Product_QuantitySold | |||||
qLeft = [] # 17 Product_QuantityLeft | |||||
shipFrom = [] # 18 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo = [] # 19 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
href = [] # 20 Product_Links | |||||
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card mt-1"}) | |||||
# Populating the Number of Products | |||||
nm = len(listing) | |||||
for a in listing: | |||||
# vendor | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class','col-5 justify-content-between mx-auto'}).find('a').text | |||||
vendor.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print('vendor') | |||||
#vendor rating | |||||
#successful transactions CHECK AGAIN HERE | |||||
try: | |||||
success.append("-1") | |||||
except: | |||||
print('successful transactions') | |||||
# product name | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('h5', {'class','card-title rounded text-truncate'}).find('a').text | |||||
name.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print('product name') | |||||
CVE.append('-1') | |||||
MS.append('-1') | |||||
rating_vendor.append('-1') | |||||
# product category | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'card-sidebar-menu box mb-2 flex-column'}).find('h3').find('span').text | |||||
if "Search Results for: " in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("Search Results for: ", "") | |||||
category.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("Error in product category") | |||||
describe.append('-1') | |||||
# product views | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('h6',{'class', 'card-subtitle mb-1 text-muted text-truncate'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.find('i').text | |||||
views.append(cleanString(temp2.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("Error in views") | |||||
reviews.append('-1') # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item.append('-1') # 11 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate.append('-1') # 12 Product_AddDate | |||||
# BTC | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class', 'col-3 justify-content-between mx-auto'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('p') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
BTC.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("BTC") | |||||
#USD ERROR get rid of $ | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class', 'col-12 justify-content-between mx-auto'}).find('i').text | |||||
if '$' in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("$", "") | |||||
USD.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice | |||||
except: | |||||
print("USD") | |||||
EURO.append("-1") # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
#product sold | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class', 'col-12 mx-auto text-truncate text-center flex-fill'}).findAll('p', {'class', 'card-text mb-0'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].find('i').text | |||||
sold.append(cleanString(temp2.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("product sold") | |||||
qLeft.append('-1') # 17 Product_QuantityLeft | |||||
shipFrom.append('-1') # 18 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo.append('-1') # 19 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
#href | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('h5', {'class', 'card-title rounded text-truncate'}).find('a').get('href') | |||||
href.append(temp) # 20 Product_Links | |||||
except: | |||||
print("href") | |||||
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped) | |||||
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, views, | |||||
reviews, rating_item, addDate, BTC, USD, EURO, sold, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, href) | |||||
#called by the crawler to get description links on a listing page | |||||
#@param: beautifulsoup object that is using the correct html page (listing page) | |||||
#return: list of description links from a listing page | |||||
def gofish_links_parser(soup): | |||||
# Returning all links that should be visited by the Crawler | |||||
href = [] | |||||
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card mt-1"}) | |||||
for a in listing: | |||||
bae = a.find('a', href=True)#card-title rounded text-truncate | |||||
link = bae['href'] | |||||
href.append(link) | |||||
return href |
@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ | |||||
__author__ = 'DarkWeb' | |||||
''' | |||||
Torzon Market Crawler (Selenium) | |||||
- problem extracting description links from HTML structure, continue work with this crawler | |||||
by fixing torzon_links_parser() | |||||
''' | |||||
from selenium import webdriver | |||||
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC | |||||
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By | |||||
from PIL import Image | |||||
import urllib.parse as urlparse | |||||
import os, re, time | |||||
from datetime import date | |||||
import subprocess | |||||
import configparser | |||||
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.prepare_parser import new_parse | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Torzon.parser import torzon_links_parser | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import cleanHTML | |||||
counter = 1 | |||||
BASE_URL = 'http://torzon4kv5swfazrziqvel2imhxcckc4otcvopiv5lnxzpqu4v4m5iyd.onion' | |||||
# Opens Tor Browser, crawls the website, then parses, then closes tor | |||||
#acts like the main method for the crawler, another function at the end of this code calls this function later | |||||
def startCrawling(): | |||||
opentor() | |||||
mktName = getMKTName() | |||||
driver = getAccess() | |||||
if driver != 'down': | |||||
try: | |||||
login(driver) | |||||
crawlForum(driver) | |||||
except Exception as e: | |||||
print(driver.current_url, e) | |||||
closetor(driver) | |||||
new_parse(mktName, BASE_URL, False) | |||||
# Opens Tor Browser | |||||
#prompts for ENTER input to continue | |||||
def opentor(): | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config | |||||
global pid | |||||
print("Connecting Tor...") | |||||
pro = subprocess.Popen(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_binary_path')) | |||||
pid = pro.pid | |||||
time.sleep(7.5) | |||||
input('Tor Connected. Press ENTER to continue\n') | |||||
return | |||||
# Returns the name of the website | |||||
#return: name of site in string type | |||||
def getMKTName(): | |||||
name = 'Torzon' | |||||
return name | |||||
# Return the base link of the website | |||||
#return: url of base site in string type | |||||
def getFixedURL(): | |||||
url = 'http://torzon4kv5swfazrziqvel2imhxcckc4otcvopiv5lnxzpqu4v4m5iyd.onion' | |||||
return url | |||||
# Closes Tor Browser | |||||
#@param: current selenium driver | |||||
def closetor(driver): | |||||
# global pid | |||||
# os.system("taskkill /pid " + str(pro.pid)) | |||||
# os.system("taskkill /t /f /im tor.exe") | |||||
print('Closing Tor...') | |||||
driver.close() | |||||
time.sleep(3) | |||||
return | |||||
# Creates FireFox 'driver' and configure its 'Profile' | |||||
# to use Tor proxy and socket | |||||
def createFFDriver(): | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config | |||||
ff_binary = FirefoxBinary(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_binary_path')) | |||||
ff_prof = FirefoxProfile(config.get('TOR', 'firefox_profile_path')) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("places.history.enabled", False) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.offlineApps", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.passwords", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.clearOnShutdown.siteSettings", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("signon.rememberSignons", False) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 2) | |||||
# ff_prof.set_preference("network.dns.disablePrefetch", True)#connection issue | |||||
# ff_prof.set_preference("network.http.sendRefererHeader", 0)#connection issue | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("permissions.default.image", 1) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("browser.download.folderList", 2) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", False) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "text/plain") | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.type', 1) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("network.proxy.socks_version", 5) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks', '') | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_port', 9150) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference('network.proxy.socks_remote_dns', True) | |||||
ff_prof.set_preference("javascript.enabled", False) | |||||
ff_prof.update_preferences() | |||||
service = Service(config.get('TOR', 'geckodriver_path')) | |||||
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=ff_binary, firefox_profile=ff_prof, service=service) | |||||
return driver | |||||
#the driver 'gets' the url, attempting to get on the site, if it can't access return 'down' | |||||
#return: return the selenium driver or string 'down' | |||||
def getAccess(): | |||||
# url = getFixedURL() | |||||
driver = createFFDriver() ###### may want to use BASE_URL instead ####### | |||||
try: | |||||
driver.get(BASE_URL) | |||||
return driver | |||||
except: | |||||
driver.close() | |||||
return 'down' | |||||
# Manual captcha solver, waits fora specific element so that the whole page loads, finds the input box, gets screenshot of captcha | |||||
# then allows for manual solving of captcha in the terminal | |||||
#@param: current selenium web driver | |||||
def login(driver): | |||||
input("Press ENTER when CAPTCHA is completed and page is loaded\n") | |||||
# wait for page to show up (This Xpath may need to change based on different seed url) | |||||
# Saves the crawled html page, makes the directory path for html pages if not made | |||||
def savePage(page, url): | |||||
cleanPage = cleanHTML(page) | |||||
filePath = getFullPathName(url) | |||||
# filePath = getFullPathName("Hello") | |||||
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filePath), exist_ok=True) | |||||
with open(filePath, 'wb') as file: | |||||
file.write(cleanPage.encode('utf-8')) | |||||
# open(filePath, 'wb').write(cleanPage.encode('utf-8')) | |||||
return | |||||
# Gets the full path of the page to be saved along with its appropriate file name | |||||
#@param: raw url as crawler crawls through every site | |||||
def getFullPathName(url): | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Initialization.markets_mining import config, CURRENT_DATE | |||||
mainDir = os.path.join(config.get('Project', 'shared_folder'), "MarketPlaces/" + getMKTName() + "/HTML_Pages") | |||||
fileName = getNameFromURL(url) | |||||
if isDescriptionLink(url): | |||||
fullPath = os.path.join(mainDir, CURRENT_DATE + r'/Description/' + fileName + '.html') | |||||
else: | |||||
fullPath = os.path.join(mainDir, CURRENT_DATE + r'/Listing/' + fileName + '.html') | |||||
return fullPath | |||||
# Creates the file name from passed URL, gives distinct name if can't be made unique after cleaned | |||||
#@param: raw url as crawler crawls through every site | |||||
def getNameFromURL(url): | |||||
global counter | |||||
name = ''.join(e for e in url if e.isalnum()) | |||||
if (name == ''): | |||||
name = str(counter) | |||||
counter = counter + 1 | |||||
return name | |||||
# returns list of urls, here is where you can list the different urls of interest, the crawler runs through this list | |||||
#in this example, there are a couple of categories some threads fall under such as | |||||
# Guides and Tutorials, Digital Products, and Software and Malware | |||||
#as you can see they are categories of products | |||||
def getInterestedLinks(): | |||||
links = [] | |||||
# # services | |||||
links.append('http://torzon4kv5swfazrziqvel2imhxcckc4otcvopiv5lnxzpqu4v4m5iyd.onion/products.php?sta=1&shipsto=All&shipsfrom=All&category=Services&small=0&big=5000000&id=1995441210213618738586452129269668912607120977870') | |||||
# # software & malware | |||||
links.append('http://torzon4kv5swfazrziqvel2imhxcckc4otcvopiv5lnxzpqu4v4m5iyd.onion/products.php?sta=1&shipsto=All&shipsfrom=All&category=Services&small=0&big=5000000&id=1995441210213618738586452129269668912607120977870') | |||||
# # fraud | |||||
links.append('http://torzon4kv5swfazrziqvel2imhxcckc4otcvopiv5lnxzpqu4v4m5iyd.onion/products.php?sta=1&shipsto=All&shipsfrom=All&category=Services&small=0&big=5000000&id=1995441210213618738586452129269668912607120977870') | |||||
# # guides | |||||
links.append('http://torzon4kv5swfazrziqvel2imhxcckc4otcvopiv5lnxzpqu4v4m5iyd.onion/products.php?sta=1&shipsto=All&shipsfrom=All&category=Guides and Tutorials&small=0&big=5000000&id=75026212163304997524932260388151806190538071909089') | |||||
return links | |||||
# gets links of interest to crawl through, iterates through list, where each link is clicked and crawled through | |||||
#topic and description pages are crawled through here, where both types of pages are saved | |||||
#@param: selenium driver | |||||
def crawlForum(driver): | |||||
print("Crawling the Torzon market") | |||||
linksToCrawl = getInterestedLinks() | |||||
i = 0 | |||||
while i < len(linksToCrawl): | |||||
link = linksToCrawl[i] | |||||
print('Crawling :', link) | |||||
try: | |||||
has_next_page = True | |||||
count = 0 | |||||
while has_next_page: | |||||
try: | |||||
driver.get(link) | |||||
except: | |||||
driver.refresh() | |||||
html = driver.page_source | |||||
savePage(html, link) | |||||
list = productPages(html) | |||||
for item in list: | |||||
itemURL = urlparse.urljoin(BASE_URL, str(item)) | |||||
try: | |||||
time.sleep(1.5) # to keep from detecting click speed | |||||
driver.get(itemURL) | |||||
except: | |||||
driver.refresh() | |||||
savePage(driver.page_source, item) | |||||
time.sleep(1.5) | |||||
driver.back() | |||||
# to keep from detecting click speed | |||||
# # comment out | |||||
# break | |||||
# | |||||
# # comment out | |||||
# if count == 1: | |||||
# break | |||||
try: | |||||
# nav = driver.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value='/html/body/table[1]/tbody/tr/td/form/div/div[2]/table[2]') | |||||
# a = nav.find_element(by=By.LINK_TEXT, value=">") | |||||
link = driver.find_element(by=By.LINK_TEXT, value=">").get_attribute('href') | |||||
if link == "": | |||||
raise NoSuchElementException | |||||
count += 1 | |||||
except NoSuchElementException: | |||||
has_next_page = False | |||||
except Exception as e: | |||||
print(link, e) | |||||
# raise e | |||||
i += 1 | |||||
input("Crawling Torzon market done sucessfully. Press ENTER to continue\n") | |||||
# Returns 'True' if the link is a description link | |||||
#@param: url of any url crawled | |||||
#return: true if is a description page, false if not | |||||
def isDescriptionLink(url): | |||||
if 'products/' in url and '/products/?category' not in url: | |||||
return True | |||||
return False | |||||
# Returns True if the link is a listingPage link | |||||
#@param: url of any url crawled | |||||
#return: true if is a Listing page, false if not | |||||
def isListingLink(url): | |||||
if '?category' in url: | |||||
return True | |||||
return False | |||||
# calling the parser to define the links, the html is the url of a link from the list of interested link list | |||||
#@param: link from interested link list ie. getInterestingLinks() | |||||
#return: list of description links that should be crawled through | |||||
def productPages(html): | |||||
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") | |||||
return torzon_links_parser(soup) | |||||
# Drop links that "signout" | |||||
# def isSignOut(url): | |||||
# #absURL = urlparse.urljoin(url.base_url, url.url) | |||||
# if 'signout' in url.lower() or 'logout' in url.lower(): | |||||
# return True | |||||
# | |||||
# return False | |||||
def crawler(): | |||||
startCrawling() | |||||
# print("Crawling and Parsing BestCardingWorld .... DONE!") |
@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ | |||||
__author__ = 'Helium' | |||||
# Here, we are importing the auxiliary functions to clean or convert data | |||||
from MarketPlaces.Utilities.utilities import * | |||||
# Here, we are importing BeautifulSoup to search through the HTML tree | |||||
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |||||
#parses description pages, so takes html pages of description pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs | |||||
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized | |||||
#@param: soup object looking at html page of description page | |||||
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the description page | |||||
def torzon_description_parser(soup): | |||||
# Fields to be parsed | |||||
vendor = "-1" # 0 *Vendor_Name | |||||
success = "-1" # 1 Vendor_Successful_Transactions | |||||
rating_vendor = "-1" # 2 Vendor_Rating | |||||
name = "-1" # 3 *Product_Name | |||||
describe = "-1" # 4 Product_Description | |||||
CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) dont worry about that much | |||||
MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security) dont worry about that much | |||||
category = "-1" # 7 Product_Category | |||||
views = "-1" # 8 Product_Number_Of_Views | |||||
reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate | |||||
BTC = "-1" # 12 Product_BTC_SellingPrice | |||||
USD = "-1" # 13 Product_USD_SellingPrice | |||||
EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
sold = "-1" # 15 Product_QuantitySold | |||||
left = "-1" # 16 Product_QuantityLeft | |||||
shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
#vendor name | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class': 'box rounded mb-0'}).find('a').text | |||||
vendor = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
vendor = "-1" | |||||
#successful transaction | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('div', {'class','text-center text-truncate column-flex ml-1 mr-1'}) #card sidebar-menu mb-4 card sidebar-menu mb-4 | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].findAll('span', {'class', 'float-right font-weight-bold'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
success = (temp.strip()) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("success") | |||||
#vendor rating 5 | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('div', {'class', 'text-center text-truncate column-flex ml-1 mr-1'}) # card sidebar-menu mb-4 card sidebar-menu mb-4 | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].findAll('span', {'class', 'float-right font-weight-bold'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[5].text | |||||
rating_vendor = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("product") | |||||
# product name | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('h3', {'class', 'h3 rounded card-title'}).find('span').text | |||||
name = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
temp = soup.find('h3', {'class', 'h3 rounded card-title'}).find('span').find("div").text | |||||
name = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
# product description | |||||
describe = soup.find('div', {'class': "box rounded flex-fill"}).find('pre').text | |||||
if "\n" in describe: | |||||
describe = describe.replace("\n", " ") | |||||
describe = describe.replace("\r", " ") | |||||
describe = cleanString(describe.strip()) | |||||
CVE = "-1" # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) dont worry about that much | |||||
MS = "-1" # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security) dont worry about that much | |||||
# product category | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].find('tr').findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
category = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
except: | |||||
temp = soup.find('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.find('tbody').find('tr').findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
category = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
# product number of view | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box rounded mb-0'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('i') | |||||
temp = temp2[2].text | |||||
views = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print('Product number of view') | |||||
reviews = "-1" # 9 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item = "-1" # 10 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate = "-1" # 11 Product_AddedDate | |||||
#BTC selling price box box-rounded mt-2 | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded mt-2'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('i', {'class', 'float-right color-prices'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
BTC = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('span', {'class', 'float-right color-prices'}) | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
BTC = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("BTC") | |||||
# USD selling price | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded mt-2'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('center') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].find('i').text | |||||
if "$" in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("$", "") | |||||
USD = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box box-rounded'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('center') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].find('span').text | |||||
if "$" in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("$", "") | |||||
USD = cleanString((temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("USD") | |||||
EURO = "-1" # 14 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
# product sold | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'box rounded mb-0'}) # card sidebar-menu mb-4 card sidebar-menu mb-4 | |||||
temp2 = temp.find('i') | |||||
temp = temp2.text | |||||
sold = (cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
# sold = "-1" | |||||
except: | |||||
print("product sold") | |||||
# product quantatiy left ###ERRROR | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.findAll('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].findAll('tr') | |||||
temp3 = temp2[1].findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp3[1].text | |||||
left = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
except: | |||||
temp = soup.find('table', {'class', 'table table-hover'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('tr') | |||||
temp3 = temp2[1].findAll('td') | |||||
temp = temp3[1].text | |||||
left = cleanString(temp.strip()) | |||||
shipFrom = "-1" # 17 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo = "-1" # 18 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
# Populating the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped) | |||||
row = (vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, describe, CVE, MS, category, views, reviews, rating_item, addDate, | |||||
BTC, USD, EURO, sold, left, shipFrom, shipTo) | |||||
# Sending the results | |||||
return row | |||||
#parses listing pages, so takes html pages of listing pages using soup object, and parses it for info it needs | |||||
#stores info it needs in different lists, these lists are returned after being organized | |||||
#@param: soup object looking at html page of listing page | |||||
#return: 'row' that contains a variety of lists that each hold info on the listing page | |||||
def torzon_listing_parser(soup): | |||||
# Fields to be parsed | |||||
nm = 0 # *Total_Products (Should be Integer) | |||||
mktName = "Torzon" # 0 *Marketplace_Name | |||||
vendor = [] # 1 *Vendor y | |||||
rating_vendor = [] # 2 Vendor_Rating | |||||
success = [] # 3 Vendor_Successful_Transactions | |||||
name = [] # 4 *Product_Name y | |||||
CVE = [] # 5 Product_CVE_Classification (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) dont worry about this | |||||
MS = [] # 6 Product_MS_Classification (Microsoft Security) dont worry about this | |||||
category = [] # 7 Product_Category y | |||||
describe = [] # 8 Product_Description | |||||
views = [] # 9 Product_Number_Of_Views | |||||
reviews = [] # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item = [] # 11 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate = [] # 12 Product_AddDate | |||||
BTC = [] # 13 Product_BTC_SellingPrice | |||||
USD = [] # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice y | |||||
EURO = [] # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
sold = [] # 16 Product_QuantitySold | |||||
qLeft = [] # 17 Product_QuantityLeft | |||||
shipFrom = [] # 18 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo = [] # 19 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
href = [] # 20 Product_Links | |||||
listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card mt-1"}) | |||||
# Populating the Number of Products | |||||
nm = len(listing) | |||||
for a in listing: | |||||
# vendor | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class','col-5 justify-content-between mx-auto'}).find('a').text | |||||
vendor.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print('vendor') | |||||
#vendor rating | |||||
#successful transactions CHECK AGAIN HERE | |||||
try: | |||||
success.append("-1") | |||||
except: | |||||
print('successful transactions') | |||||
# product name | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('h5', {'class','card-title rounded text-truncate'}).find('a').text | |||||
name.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print('product name') | |||||
CVE.append('-1') | |||||
MS.append('-1') | |||||
rating_vendor.append('-1') | |||||
# product category | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = soup.find('div', {'class', 'card-sidebar-menu box mb-2 flex-column'}).find('h3').find('span').text | |||||
if "Search Results for: " in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("Search Results for: ", "") | |||||
category.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("Error in product category") | |||||
describe.append('-1') | |||||
# product views | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('h6',{'class', 'card-subtitle mb-1 text-muted text-truncate'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.find('i').text | |||||
views.append(cleanString(temp2.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("Error in views") | |||||
reviews.append('-1') # 10 Product_Number_Of_Reviews | |||||
rating_item.append('-1') # 11 Product_Rating | |||||
addDate.append('-1') # 12 Product_AddDate | |||||
# BTC | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class', 'col-3 justify-content-between mx-auto'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp.findAll('p') | |||||
temp = temp2[1].text | |||||
BTC.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("BTC") | |||||
#USD ERROR get rid of $ | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class', 'col-12 justify-content-between mx-auto'}).find('i').text | |||||
if '$' in temp: | |||||
temp = temp.replace("$", "") | |||||
USD.append(cleanString(temp.strip())) # 14 Product_USD_SellingPrice | |||||
except: | |||||
print("USD") | |||||
EURO.append("-1") # 15 Product_EURO_SellingPrice | |||||
#product sold | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('div', {'class', 'col-12 mx-auto text-truncate text-center flex-fill'}).findAll('p', {'class', 'card-text mb-0'}) | |||||
temp2 = temp[1].find('i').text | |||||
sold.append(cleanString(temp2.strip())) | |||||
except: | |||||
print("product sold") | |||||
qLeft.append('-1') # 17 Product_QuantityLeft | |||||
shipFrom.append('-1') # 18 Product_ShippedFrom | |||||
shipTo.append('-1') # 19 Product_ShippedTo | |||||
#href | |||||
try: | |||||
temp = a.find('h5', {'class', 'card-title rounded text-truncate'}).find('a').get('href') | |||||
href.append(temp) # 20 Product_Links | |||||
except: | |||||
print("href") | |||||
# Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped) | |||||
return organizeProducts(mktName, nm, vendor, rating_vendor, success, name, CVE, MS, category, describe, views, | |||||
reviews, rating_item, addDate, BTC, USD, EURO, sold, qLeft, shipFrom, shipTo, href) | |||||
#called by the crawler to get description links on a listing page | |||||
#@param: beautifulsoup object that is using the correct html page (listing page) | |||||
#return: list of description links from a listing page | |||||
def torzon_links_parser(soup): | |||||
# Returning all links that should be visited by the Crawler | |||||
href = [] | |||||
# listing = soup.findAll('div', {"class": "card mt-1"}) | |||||
listing = soup.find('td', {"valign": "top"}).find("table", {"border": "0"}).findAll('td', {'width': '50%'}) | |||||
for a in listing: | |||||
bae = a.find('a', href=True)#card-title rounded text-truncate | |||||
link = bae['href'] | |||||
href.append(link) | |||||
return href |