__author__ = 'DarkWeb' # Here, we are importing the auxiliary functions to clean or convert data from Forums.Utilities.utilities import * from datetime import date from datetime import timedelta import re # Here, we are importing BeautifulSoup to search through the HTML tree from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # This is the method to parse the Description Pages (one page to each topic in the Listing Pages) def cryptBB_description_parser(soup): # Fields to be parsed topic = "-1" # 0 *topic name user = [] # 1 *all users of each post status = [] # 2 all user's authority in each post such as (adm, member, dangerous) reputation = [] # 3 all user's karma in each post (usually found as a number) interest = [] # 4 all user's interest in each post sign = [] # 5 all user's signature in each post (usually a standard message after the content of the post) post = [] # 6 all messages of each post feedback = [] # 7 all feedbacks of each vendor (this was found in just one Forum and with a number format) addDate = [] # 8 all dates of each post image_user = [] # 9 all user avatars of each post image_post = [] # 10 all first images of each post # Finding the topic (should be just one coming from the Listing Page) li = soup.find("td", {"class": "thead"}).find('strong') topic = li.text topic = re.sub("\[\w*\]", '', topic) topic = topic.replace(",","") topic = topic.replace("\n","") topic = cleanString(topic.strip()) # Finding the repeated tag that corresponds to the listing of posts posts = soup.find('table', {"class": "tborder tfixed clear"}).find('td', {"id": "posts_container"}).find_all( 'div', {"class": "post"}) # For each message (post), get all the fields we are interested to: for ipost in posts: if ipost.find('div', {"class": "deleted_post_author"}): continue # Finding a first level of the HTML page post_wrapper = ipost.find('span', {"class": "largetext"}) # Finding the author (user) of the post author = post_wrapper.text.strip() user.append(cleanString(author)) # Remember to clean the problematic characters # Finding the status of the author smalltext = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_author"}) if smalltext is not None: # CryptBB does have membergroup and postgroup membergroup = smalltext.find('div', {"class": "profile-rank"}) postgroup = smalltext.find('div', {"class": "postgroup"}) if membergroup != None: membergroup = membergroup.text.strip() if postgroup != None: postgroup = postgroup.text.strip() membergroup = membergroup + " - " + postgroup else: if postgroup != None: membergroup = postgroup.text.strip() else: membergroup = "-1" status.append(cleanString(membergroup)) # Finding the interest of the author # CryptBB does not have blurb blurb = smalltext.find('li', {"class": "blurb"}) if blurb != None: blurb = blurb.text.strip() else: blurb = "-1" interest.append(cleanString(blurb)) # Finding the reputation of the user # CryptBB does have reputation author_stats = smalltext.find('div', {"class": "author_statistics"}) karma = author_stats.find('strong') if karma != None: karma = karma.text karma = karma.replace("Community Rating: ", "") karma = karma.replace("Karma: ", "") karma = karma.strip() else: karma = "-1" reputation.append(cleanString(karma)) else: status.append('-1') interest.append('-1') reputation.append('-1') # Getting here another good tag to find the post date, post content and users' signature postarea = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_content"}) dt = postarea.find('span', {"class": "post_date"}).text # dt = dt.strip().split() dt = dt.strip() day=date.today() if "Today" in dt: today = day.strftime('%m-%d-%Y') stime = dt.replace('Today,','').strip() date_time_obj = today + ', '+stime date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date_time_obj,'%m-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p') elif "Yesterday" in dt: yesterday = day - timedelta(days=1) yesterday = yesterday.strftime('%m-%d-%Y') stime = dt.replace('Yesterday,','').strip() date_time_obj = yesterday + ', '+stime date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date_time_obj,'%m-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p') elif "ago" in dt: date_time_obj = postarea.find('span', {"class": "post_date"}).find('span')['title'] date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date_time_obj, '%m-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p') else: date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(dt, '%m-%d-%Y, %I:%M %p') addDate.append(date_time_obj) # Finding the post inner = postarea.find('div', {"class": "post_body scaleimages"}) quote = inner.find('blockquote') if quote is not None: quote.decompose() inner = inner.text.strip() post.append(cleanString(inner)) # Finding the user's signature # signature = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_wrapper"}).find('div', {"class": "moderatorbar"}).find('div', {"class": "signature"}) signature = ipost.find('div', {"class": "signature scaleimages"}) if signature != None: signature = signature.text.strip() # print(signature) else: signature = "-1" sign.append(cleanString(signature)) # As no information about user's feedback was found, just assign "-1" to the variable feedback.append("-1") img = ipost.find('div', {"class": "post_body scaleimages"}).find('img') if img is not None: img = img.get('src').split('base64,')[-1] else: img = "-1" image_post.append(img) avatar = ipost.find('div', {"class": "author_avatar"}) if avatar is not None: img = avatar.find('img') if img is not None: img = img.get('src').split('base64,')[-1] else: img = "-1" else: img = "-1" image_user.append(img) # Populate the final variable (this should be a list with all fields scraped) row = (topic, user, status, reputation, interest, sign, post, feedback, addDate, image_user, image_post) # Sending the results return row # This is the method to parse the Listing Pages (one page with many posts) def cryptBB_listing_parser(soup): nm = 0 # *this variable should receive the number of topics forum = "CryptBB" # 0 *forum name board = "-1" # 1 *board name (the previous level of the topic in the Forum categorization tree. # For instance: Security/Malware/Tools to hack Facebook. The board here should be Malware) author = [] # 2 *all authors of each topic topic = [] # 3 *all topics views = [] # 4 number of views of each topic posts = [] # 5 number of posts of each topic href = [] # 6 this variable should receive all cleaned urls (we will use this to do the marge between # Listing and Description pages) addDate = [] # 7 when the topic was created (difficult to find) image_user = [] # 8 all user avatars used in each topic # Finding the board (should be just one) board = soup.find('span', {"class": "active"}).text board = cleanString(board.strip()) # Finding the repeated tag that corresponds to the listing of topics itopics = soup.find_all('tr',{"class": "inline_row"}) # Counting how many topics nm = len(itopics) for itopic in itopics: # For each topic found, the structure to get the rest of the information can be of two types. Testing all of them # to don't miss any topic # Adding the topic to the topic list try: topics = itopic.find('span', {"class": "subject_old"}).find('a').text except: topics = itopic.find('span', {"class": "subject_new"}).find('a').text topics = re.sub("\[\w*\]", '', topics) topic.append(cleanString(topics)) image_user.append(-1) # Adding the url to the list of urls try: link = itopic.find('span', {"class": "subject_old"}).find('a').get('href') except: link = itopic.find('span',{"class": "subject_new"}).find('a').get('href') href.append(link) # Finding the author of the topic ps = itopic.find('div', {"class":"author smalltext"}).text user = ps.strip() author.append(cleanString(user)) # Finding the number of replies columns = itopic.findChildren('td',recursive=False) replies = columns[3].text if replies == '-': posts.append('-1') else: posts.append(cleanString(replies)) # Finding the number of Views tview = columns[4].text if tview == '-': views.append('-1') else: views.append(cleanString(tview)) # If no information about when the topic was added, just assign "-1" to the variable addDate.append("-1") return organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate, image_user) def cryptBB_links_parser(soup): # Returning all links that should be visited by the Crawler href = [] listing = soup.find('table', {"class": "tborder clear"}).find('tbody').find_all('tr', {"class": "inline_row"}) for a in listing: try: link = a.find('span', {"class": "subject_old"}).find('a').get('href') except: link = a.find('span', {"class": "subject_new"}).find('a').get('href') href.append(link) return href