this is based on calsyslab project

63 lines
2.6 KiB

from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
# For the arguments source and target, you can use the name of the language or its abbreviation
# chinese (simplified): zh-CN, english: en, korean: ko, persian: fa, russian: ru
def translate(input_text: str, source: str, target='english') -> str:
if len(input_text.strip()) == 0:
return input_text
if source == target:
return input_text
batch_size = 4999
batches = []
whitespaces = []
start = 0
translated_text = ''
while not input_text[start].strip():
translated_text += input_text[start]
start += 1
# A while loop that will continue as long as start is less than the total length
# of the HTML content (len(input_text)). This ensures that we process the entire content.
while start < len(input_text):
whitespace = ''
# Set the end index for the current batch
end = start + batch_size
# If end is beyond the end of the content, we don't need to adjust it.
if end < len(input_text):
# A while loop to adjust the end index so that it doesn't split a word.
# It continues as long as end is within the content (end < len(input_text)) and
# the character at the end position is not a whitespace (input_text[end].strip()
# returns True for non-whitespace characters).
while end < len(input_text) and input_text[end].strip():
# The inner while loop, decrements the end index by 1. This moves the end index
# backwards until it reaches a whitespace character, ensuring that we don't split a word.
end -= 1
while not input_text[end].strip():
whitespace = input_text[end] + whitespace
end -= 1
end = len(input_text) - 1
while not input_text[end].strip():
whitespace = input_text[end] + whitespace
end -= 1
# This line extracts a substring from the HTML content, starting from the start index
# and ending at the end index. This substring is our batch.
batch = input_text[start: end + 1]
# Add our batch to the batches list
# Updates our start index for the next batch
start = end + 1 + len(whitespace)
translated_batches = GoogleTranslator(source, target).translate_batch(batches)
for batch, whitespace in zip(translated_batches, whitespaces):
translated_text += batch + whitespace
return translated_text