__author__ = 'DarkWeb'
import string
import time
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import datetime as fulldatetime
def cleanText(originalText):
safe_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " " + "_" + "/" + "&" + "$" + "#" "@" + "+" + "-" + "*" + "=" \
":" + ";" + "." "," + "?" + "!" + "{" + "}" + "[" + "]" + "(" + ")" + "%" + "`" + "~" + "^" + "|" + "<" + ">"
for index, text in enumerate(originalText):
originalText[index] = ''.join([char if char in safe_chars else '' for char in text])
return originalText
def convertDate(sdate, language, crawlerDate):
if language == "english":
todaysday = crawlerDate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"January","01")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"February","02")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"March","03")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"April","04")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"May","05")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"June","06")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"July","07")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"August","08")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"September","09")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"October","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"November","11")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"December","12")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Jan","01")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Feb","02")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Mar","03")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Apr","04")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"May","05")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Jun","06")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Jul","07")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Aug","08")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Sep","09")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Oct","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Nov","11")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Dec","12")
sdate = sdate.replace(u".","")
if sdate == "Today at":
sdate = datetime.strptime(str(todaysday), '%m/%d/%Y').strftime('%m %d %Y')
sdate = datetime.strptime(str(sdate), '%m %d %Y').strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
elif language == "french":
todaysday = crawlerDate.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"janvier","01")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"jan","01")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"février","02")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"juin","06")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"juillet","07")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"juil","07")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"août","08")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"septembre","09")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"sept","09")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"octobre","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"oct","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"novembre","11")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"nov","11")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"décembre","12")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"déc","12")
sdate = sdate.replace(u".","")
if sdate == u"Aujourd'hui":
sdate = datetime.strptime(str(todaysday), '%m/%d/%Y').strftime('%d %m %Y')
if "mar" in sdate:
print ("Add March to the IBM Black Market")
raise SystemExit
elif "avr" in sdate:
print ("Add April to the IBM Black Market")
raise SystemExit
elif "mai" in sdate:
print ("Add May to the IBM Black Market")
raise SystemExit
sdate = datetime.strptime(str(sdate), '%d %m %Y').strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
elif language == "swedish":
sdate = sdate.replace(u"jan","01")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"feb","02")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"mar","03")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"apr","04")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"maj","05")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"jun","06")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"jul","07")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"aug","08")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"sep","09")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"okt","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"nov","11")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"dec","12")
sdate = sdate.replace(u".","")
sdate = datetime.strptime(str(sdate), '%d %m %Y').strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
elif language == "russian":
if sdate == u'\u0412\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430':
sdate = crawlerDate.today() - timedelta(1)
sdate = datetime.strptime(str(sdate), '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d %m %Y')
elif u'\xd1\xee\xe7\xe4\xe0\xed\xee' in sdate:
return ""
sdate = sdate.replace(u"января","01")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"янв","01")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"февраля","02")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Февраль", "02")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"фев","02")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"марта","03")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"апреля","04")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"апр","04")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"мар","05")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"май","05")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"мая","05")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"июня","06")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"июн","06")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"июля","07")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"июл","07")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"августа","08")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"авг","08")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"сентября","09")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"сен","09")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"октября","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"Октябрь","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"окт","10")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"ноября","11")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"ноя","11")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"декабря","12")
sdate = sdate.replace(u"дек","12")
sdate = sdate.replace(u".","")
sdate = datetime.strptime(str(sdate), '%d %m %Y').strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
return sdate
def cleanLink(originalLink):
safe_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
originalLink = ''.join([char if char in safe_chars else '' for char in originalLink])
return originalLink
def organizeTopics(forum, nm, board, author, topic, views, posts, href, addDate):
day = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
ahora = time.strftime("%I:%M:%S")
rw = []
for n in range(nm):
lne = forum # 0
lne += ","
lne += board # 1
lne += ","
lne += author[n] # 2
lne += ","
lne += topic[n] # 3
lne += ","
lne += "-1" if len(views) == 0 else views[n] # 4
lne += ","
lne += "-1" if len(posts) == 0 else posts[n] # 5
lne += ","
lne += "-1" if len(href) == 0 else href[n] # 6
lne += ","
lne += "-1" if len(addDate) == 0 else str(addDate[n]) # 7
lne += ","
lne += day + " " + ahora # 8
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 9 name_user
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 10 status_user
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 11 reputation_user
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 12 interest_user
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 13 signature_user
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 14 content_post
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 15 feedback_post
lne += ","
lne += "-1" # 16 dateadded_post
return rw
def cleanString(originalString):
updated_string = originalString.replace(",", "") #replace all commas
updated_string = updated_string.replace("\n", "") #replace all newlines
updated_string = updated_string.replace("\t", "") #replace all tabs
updated_string = updated_string.replace("\r", "") #replace all carriage returns
updated_string = updated_string.replace("'", "^") #replace all semicolons
updated_string = updated_string.replace(u"»", '') #replace all arrows
updated_string = updated_string.replace("!", "")
updated_string = updated_string.replace(";", "") #replace all exclamations
return updated_string
#function to convert long informal date string to formal date
def convertFromLongDate(longDate, crawlerdate):
list_of_words = []
list_of_words = longDate.split()
day = 0
week = 0
hour = 0
second = 0
minute = 0
year = 0
total_days = 0
if 'days' in list_of_words:
index = list_of_words.index('days')
day = float(list_of_words[index - 1])
if 'weeks' in list_of_words:
index = list_of_words.index('weeks')
week = float(list_of_words[index - 1])
if 'hours' in list_of_words:
index = list_of_words.index('hours')
hour = float(list_of_words[index - 1])
if 'seconds' in list_of_words:
index = list_of_words.index('seconds')
second = float(list_of_words[index - 1])
if 'minutes' in list_of_words:
index = list_of_words.index('minutes')
minute = float(list_of_words[index - 1])
if 'years' in list_of_words:
index = list_of_words.index('years')
year = float(list_of_words[index - 1])
if year != 0:
total_days = day + 365 * year
#today = datetime.date.today()
timeDelta = fulldatetime.timedelta(days=total_days, weeks=week, hours=hour, seconds=second, minutes=minute)
date = crawlerdate - timeDelta
correct_date = str(date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'))
return correct_date
def cleanHTML(html):
formats = [
"jpg", "jpeg", "jfif", "pjpeg", "pjp",
"png", "apng", "svg", "bmp", "gif",
"avif", "webp", "ico", "cur", "tiff"
# remove images
clean_html = re.sub(r"<img.*?>", "", html)
clean_html = re.sub(r"<picture.*?>", "", clean_html)
clean_html = re.sub(r"<svg.*?>", "", clean_html)
for fmat in formats:
clean_html = re.sub(r"<object.*" + fmat + ".*?>", "", clean_html)
clean_html = re.sub(r"<canvas.*?>", "", clean_html)
# remove JavaScript
clean_html = re.sub(r"<script.*?>", "", clean_html)
clean_html = re.sub(r"<object.*javascript.*?>", "", clean_html)
clean_html = re.sub(r"<aplet.*mayscript?>", "", clean_html)
clean_html = re.sub(r"<embed.*scriptable?>", "", clean_html)
# image and JavaScript
clean_html = re.sub(r"<div[^>]*style=\"[^\"]*background-image.*?>|background-image:url\(\'(.*?)\'\);", "", clean_html)
return clean_html